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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Where are you running to?" Yeonjun's voice stopped him. Beakhyun turned to see him standing there with confused face.

"I need to call the doctor." He said picking up the phone.

"Why?" Yeonjun walked close to him.

"Jungkook...." He stopped for dialing the number.

"Jungkook what?" Yeonjun asked looking at him and then at the phone in his hand in confusion. Beakhyun was taking the phone close to his ear and than back to his hand.

"What happened will you tell me?" Yeonjun asked.

"You can't help. Please stay put and be quiet. I would start panicking if you keep asking me questions." Beakhyun said and went back to call the doctor. Yeonjun did as told, he stayed quiet.

"Pick up the fucking call." Beakhyun almost yelled in frustration.

"Who are you calling to?" Yeonjun said after a while.

"I need a doctor and the pack doctor isn't picking up." Beakhyun said annoyed and worried.

"That's it? Call Hobi hyung. He can treat who ever you want to be treated." Yeonjun casually said.

"Oh God, thank you Yeonnie, you saved his life." Beakhyun dialed the number and attached the phone to his ear.

"Who is he talking about?" Yeonjun muttered under his breath looking at Beakhyun who is equally panicked.

"Hello.." Beakhyun said as soon as the line connected.


"Yes, I'm Beakhyun. Can i please talk to Mr. Hoseok?"


"No, no please I don't have time for calling the assistants to take appointment. It's urgent please connect me to Mr. Hoseok." Beakhyun pleaded and Yeonjun couldn't take it anymore so he snatched the phone from his hand.

"Hello. It's me Yeonjun. Connect the phone to Jin hyung." Yeonjun said.


"No direct to Jin hyung." He confirmed.

"......." The bell kept ringing for a few minutes and then Jin picked the call.

"Morning Jin hyung."


"I'm perfectly okay. Yeah hyung is okay too. Actually I wanted to talk to Hobi hyung and sasha wasn't allowing me so i called you."


"Yeah yeah I know. I know it's for safety reasons. Can i talk to Hobi hyung?"


"Yeah Hyung's okay. I just want to take..... yeah okay."

"Here. Talk to him he is on the phone." Yeonjun passed the phone to Beakhyun who was really relieved.



"Dr. Hoseok, it's Beakhyun here from Blood Moon Pack. Doctor actually i need your help. J-Jungkook....Jungkook....." he couldn't think of a suitable word to describe his situation. Yeonjun looked at him alerted.

"Jungkook is in pain doctor. He just kept grabbing his chest and crying in pain. Maybe..... Maybe he is having a heart attack. Ca-can you please come here. I couldn't ask for better help than you. Please we need your help." Beakhyun ended up in tears.

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