Little devil

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"Taehyung sweetie?" Grandma stood beside Taehyung who was barely keeping his eyes open. "Are you feeling okay? Any pain or anything?"

"Kook?" Yoongi called him.

"Hyung. Hyung my daughter." Jungkook so probably moved to his brother. Yoongi was standing at the distance from the bed and was looking at his family silently.

"Mom's right kook, she look just like you. I'll call her Hope, she is the hope of our family, pride of my family. Uncle's hope." Yoongi mumbled while taking her in his arms and pecking her soft glowing cheeks.

"Her blue eyes are the symbol of purity, just like her father." Yoongi said looking at Taehyung who was busy talking to Grandma.

"Right baby?" Yoongi bobbed her nose making her smile while opening and closing her eyes continuously.

"Oh baby likes uncle's taking to her! Huh!!" Yoongi smiled not caring about the other who were looking at him with wide curious eyes. This Yoongi was new for them, Yoongi is an introvert and he is really bad at showing his emotions but this interaction was so pure and beautiful.

Niara was wiggling in his hold like trying to say something. Her eyes never left Yoongi's face and a continuous try to reach her hand up to Yoongi's face made Yoongi and the other coo at her.

"She like you." Jungkook replied with the widest grin decorated on his face, a pure and lovely one.

"Of course  she likes me. Nobody  can never not like me." Yoongi replied and Jungkook was quick to deliver a punch on his arm.

"Don't talk shit in front of my daughter." Jungkook said taking his daughter in his arms and putting her head securely on his chest.

"Your daughter...." Yoongi stopped as soon as he heard Taehyung's voice.

"Baby. I want to see...."

"Here." Jungkook didn't let him finish the sentence and carefully handed him the baby. Jungkook can swear on anything right now that he has never been this happy in decades.

This moment is the happiest moment of  his life.

"She is so small. She look just like Jun when i found him." Taehyung cracked a smile at her daughter earning the same smile in back.

"She look so much like you." Jungkook whispered. He knelt beside the bed so he can be at Taehyung's level.

"Don't be stupid, she is just like you. See same big eyes and the nose....the lips....." Taehyung was kissing his daughter in half conciousness and just between the words he fell unconscious.

"Hey....Hey what happened to him?" Jungkook panicked.

"He is perfectly fine. Just tired that's it." Beakhyun replied.

"You don't know....."

"I know more than anyone in this room. I'm his guardian remember." Beakhyun cut him off the second time.

"He'll be okay?" Jungkook asked again.

"He is okay. Don't worry about him. Take the baby, she needs to be fed and covered properly." Beakhyun replied him.

"Thank you. Thank you Beck for being here on time. I ca-can't even imagine what could've happened....."

"The past is past Jungkook. You and I have came a long way together. I know one thing, the love you can give him! He won't get it somewhere else." Beakhyun put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You are shaking?"

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