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"i'm so sorry, i've permanently ruined your liver!" richie shouted.

"this is the most drunk i have ever been," stanley said, richie shaking his shoulders. he was trying to say something but he could not stop laughing. someone bumped into richie and it caused him to bump right into stanley's chest. he stayed there.

"it's because bill's not here, we've been here forever " richie mumbled into stanley's neck, stanley giggling. "god, it's fucking warm," richie said.

"c'mon, let's go," stanley slurred his words a little, pushing richie out of the door. richie stumbled out and successfully made his way down the steps. the two seemed to make a beeline for mike's car.

"i have mike's keys, wanna just sit in there with the windows open?" richie was laughing as he was speaking.

"why the fuck do you have mike's keys?" stanley laughed harder, his hand failing at gripping the back door handle. he got a solid grip on it and tried to open the door, but richie hadn't unlocked the car yet.

richie snorted, "i have no fucking clue," unlocking the car for the two to stumble in. richie got in first. stanley took the key from richie's hands and leaned forwards, turning the car on just long enough to put the windows down, then throwing the key in the cupholder.

stanley leaned back, "we're going to be so fucking hungover tomorrow, my head already hurts," he complained, looking over to richie, who was simply staring at him, his mouth a little agape. stanley felt like his eyes had been glued to richie.

richie's vision flickered down to stanley's lips, then back up. 

richie snickered a little, "i can fix your headache, if you want," he said. stanley raised an eyebrow, his eyes still transfixed on richie.



richie leaned forward and kissed stanley, stanley's hands somehow automatically finding their way to richie's waist. stanley kissed back, richie laughing against their lips before slipping his tongue in stanley's mouth. richie's hands, which had been gripping stanley's face, moved to the back of stanley's head. stanley then put his head (or really, richie's hands) on the inner side of the door of the car, richie climbing on top of him. 

the two couldn't stop laughing, even as they continued making out, stanley's hands slipping up the back of richie's shirt. stanley felt a jolt of energy pass through him, and for some reason he knew it had come from kissing richie tozier.

richie, with his arms outstretched behind stanley still, shuffled down stanley a little bit, kissing his jaw and neck. stanley was breathing heavily, thankful now that the windows were open so they wouldn't steam up mike's car. 

stanley removed richie's hands from behind his head and pushed him, so that richie was the one lying down. stanley leaned forward and began sucking on richie's neck, fully intending to leave hickeys. was it the smartest idea? probably not, but that was not going to stop him.

"you're so fucking hot, stan" richie let out, more of an exhale than a sentence. 

suddenly, stanley sat up. richie realized at the same time as stanley than one of their phones was buzzing incessantly in the pocket of the car door. sighing, stanley reached for his phone, and saw that someone was calling him.

"it's mike," stanley said, looking apologetically to richie. richie, who was not complaining because stanley was still straddling him, nodded. stanley answered the phone, "hi..." as he spoke to mike, richie couldn't make out what was being said on the other side of the phone. instead, he just got stanley's side of it, "your car. yeah. richie had them. haha, yeah. that makes sense. okay. see you soon," he hung up.

"so we have to get decent don't we," richie mumbled as stanley clambered off of richie.

"i'm decent, i'm decent," stanley replied, not really an answer. he pulled his shirt down, ignoring the fact that it had been tucked in a while ago. 

richie shuffled around a little bit, the silence between them sitting thick.

"well, my head doesn't hurt as much anymore." stanley commented. richie laughed dryly. 

"that's what he said." richie replied. stanley laughed more because he was drunk and no other reason. it wasn't really that funny.

"can-um-" stanley glanced out the window to see mike exiting the house with an extremely wasted beverly in tow. stanley quickly looked back to richie, and thanking god for darkness, he leaned forward and lightly kissed him one last time.

he then sat back on the right side of the car, and half a minute later, mike and beverly got into the car. 

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