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"oh my god, it's prettier than i thought it would be." richie said, a box in his hands obscuring most of his vision, pushing the front door open and wandering in from the hallway. he made a beeline for the first table he saw and put the box down. stanley trailed in behind him.

"it's not that nice, don't lie," stanley said, bringing in a suitcase and a box of his own. he placed the two items on the ground and richie kissed him on the cheek as he passed him to get more boxes.

"well, no, but i was imagining a dingy basement, so this is quite nice." richie's voice echoed into the room from the hallway, and stanley followed to grab another box.

it had been a couple months, and stanley had succeeded in finding a place to move out into. he was renting for the next little while, until he could sort out getting into college, and other facets of life.

when he'd told his mother he was moving out, she'd stared at him, an undecipherable look on her face. she looked slightly betrayed, but still cold. she had gulped, and then looked away, "i'm sorry."

she'd said nothing more, then choosing to walk away.

stanley had been thinking about it for weeks.

either way, they were now moving into stanley's new unfurnished basement suite, and bill and mike were coming by later to help out. the same went for beverly, but all of them knew that beverly's offer 'to help' consisted of bringing an alcoholic beverage of some kind and offer them all a sip while they worked.

"i kinda hate that you're grown up," richie said, taking a break to lean against a counter. stanley walked up in front of him, putting his arms over richie's shoulders.

"me too," stanley muttered. he kissed richie, and felt a smile grow on his face. it never failed. "you're growing up too, you know," he kissed him again. richie tapped his fingers along stanley's hips.

"yeah, but you're being forced to. it sucks." richie tutted, stanley leaning his head on richie's chest. richie put a hand through his hair. stanley hummed.

"yeah. but we can have this little suite to ourselves whenever you come over, and that sounds nice to me. i love you." stanley replied.

"i love you too," richie laughed softly to himself, "that does sound nice. lots of sex." he humped the air, stepping towards stanley with his hips thrusting forward.

"shut up." stanley pushed at him, richie cackling.

"god, i'm lucky, aren't i?" richie curled a hair around stanley's ear. stanley flushed pink and he leaned back into richie's grip.

"yeah. i'm a pretty desirable guy, so you should consider yourself lucky." stanley bit back, richie's smile growing wider.

"mm, stanley uris, wanted by everyone, fucked only by me. i like the ring of that." richie's grin was obnoxious, but stanley would be lying if he was saying it wasn't irresistible. 

"of course you would"

"well, you're mine! you're mi-yi-yi-yi-yi-" richie kept singing, horribly offkey to whatever he was attempting. but it made stanley laugh, and that was worth the world.

"i'm happy i have you." stanley turned around,  sorting through a box, to his right. richie smiled stupidly, reaching his hands out to stanley's hips. stanley was pulling books out of the box, but he was receptive to richie's touch. 

"so you feel better today, huh?" richie asked, leaning his head on stanley's shoulder. richie kissed stanley's neck gently. 

"yeah." stanley hummed simply. richie kept kissing stanley's neck kindly, and stanley hummed with appreciation. "i love you."

"i've heard." richie moved next to stanley, helping him unpack a secondary box. stanley smiled and stayed silent.

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