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After hanging out together all day, Suho finally arrives at the hotel with Y/N. The whole day They went to every place where Suho wanted to visit, took pictures, and made memories.  Y/N again didn't get any chance to assert the words she practiced by herself at night. The moment they enter, Y/N's restlessness didn't go unnoticed by Suho.

Y/N: Suho, this hotel.......

Before she could complete it, Suho states....

Suho: I know. There's a reception desk at the end of this hallway. Can you wait for me there? I'll be right back. Confusion and hesitation become visible on her face. But Suho assures her he'll be back in a few minutes.

Y/N walks along the hallway as instructed by Suho. She abruptly stops in her tracks when she spots one familiar figure. She stares without blinking because he looked like.....HER LOVER. Starting with slow steps, at one point she started running. Their eyes never left each other. But the man doesn't move from his place as if he was in a haze. Y/N crashes on his chest, hugging him for life. It felt like they found the missing beat of their heart. Jungkook lifts Y/N's smaller frame up a bit from the ground as she wraps her hands around his neck. Face buried in his chest, her body shakes from whimpers. Jungkook hides his face in Y/N's hair, his tears wetting the shoulder portion of her dress.

Parting her head a little, Y/N tries to voice a lot of things at the same time. But as always nothing comes out of her mouth except for some mumbles, meaningless sounds. Seeing her attempt to speak, Jungkook's cries turn hysterical.

Jungkook: Firefly, it's you, right? Please tell me that you are not my hallucination....You...

Y/N nods her head vigorously as yes. He tries to choke back his tears.

Jungkook made Y/N stand down on her feet. Sobbing hard, he hung his head low.

"Firefly, I'm sorry." Hearing his words Y/N looked at him carefully with her glossy eyes. She cupped his face with her small hand to place a soft kiss on his pale cheek. Jungkook closed his eyes, feeling the certain warmth he was dying for the past two years. He pulled her in a slow, passionate kiss. Tears from their eyes meet in the spot where their wet cheeks touched and then streamed down together.

Pulling out from the kiss, Jungkook kneels down, hugging her from the front, he rests his forehead against her body. It takes Y/N by surprise.

Jungkook: Firefly, please forgive me. Come back to me. I cannot live without you anymore. I promise I won't behave like a jerk, ever. I'm sorry.

He mumbles. As Y/N watches his unreasonable behavior she understands how vulnerable he has been all this time, without her. Freeing herself Y/N too sits in front of him. She wraps her slender arms around Jungkook, protectively. Rubs his back, making him realize it's okay now. Y/N rests her chin on his head as he buries his face in her chest, inhaling her familiar, soft, flowery scent. leaving no gap between them. His unrested nerves calm down after some minutes.

People started to gather around them. Some were whispering, showing sympathy for Y/N being mute. A few enthusiastic staff of the hotel, who have seen Jungkook coming here almost every month in search of his wife, were quietly explaining things to the gathering. Almost every person there had their eyes wet, witnessing the emotional reunion of the couple.

❤️I love you with the breath, the smiles, and the tears of all my life❤️

Can hear your soul🌸......  [A Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now