Cats and wardrobes

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The moment Sakura awoke, she knew she wasn't in her room.
This wasn't her bed, the mastress thinner and less comfortable. The smell, too,was different : the sweet cinnamon scent replaced with a slightly more fresh and tangy smell.

Sitting up slowly, she also noticed that her clothes were different. Indeed, instead of her usual red dress and jacket, she now wore dark ANBU pants and a simple tank top, both a bit too big for her small body.

As she took in her surroundings, the events that had taken place onthe roof gradually came back to her.

Where am I? Why am I here? Oh My Kami! Did someone kidnap me because I healed that one guy? Wait... Did I even manage to heal him?Omg is he dead? But then, why take me? Do they want to 'silence me'?

Slowly spirraling into panic, Sakura didn't notice when the door opened and the young woman that came in.

"Oh,you're awake!" the newcomer exclaimed, and the girl jumped, spinning around, her eyes desperatly scanning the room for a weapon.

"Don't worry" the woman hurriedly reassured the pink genin. She seemed to be in her early twenties, with long purplish hair and an ANBU outfit.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise!"

Sakura raised a brow, unsure of what to say.

"You saved Hayate's life." The ANBU woman explained. "I owe you for that, and, well... you were passed out on the roof, so I thought I'd bring you here?" She looked a bit self-conscious.

"I'm sorry?"

Bit by bit, Sakura let down her guard and shrugged.

"So...How's... Hayate-san doing?" She asked.

"Oh! He's still recovering, but he'll survive, all thanks to you!" The purple haired woman congratulated Sakura. "By the way, my name's Yugao."

The woman, Yugao, approached the younger girl and smiled.
"You're clothes are nearly dry, though, I'm sorry to say that I was unable to clean your jacket..."

"It's fine!" assured Sakura, "I was planning on changing my wardrobe anyway..."
And, the moment the words were out of her mouth, she realised she meant it. Her long, red dress wasn't exactly 'shinobi material'. It was both eye-catching color and uncomfortable to wear, making it hard for her to run and jump.

How did I even think it was appropriate?

Oh, right, Sasuke.

Sighing softly, Sakura bid Yugao-san goodbye, took the carefully folded clothes from the nice woman, and just when she was about to leave, the purple haired woman grabbed her arm, her face dead serious.

"Don't ever talk about what happened. This is as an S-rank secret. You could get killed. Or worse."

Too afraid to reply anything, Sakura only nodded before scurrying away.
She replayed in her head all the past day's events, the way SHE had saved the man, Hayate.
She had done the mystical palm and been successful on her first try... She had fainted and woken up in anANBU apartement, which, speaking of it, was in the middle of the shinobi district, far away from her house.

Still lost in thought, Sakura walked all the way to her home, opened the door, and sat on her bed, staring unseeingly at the pale pink wall for a long time. When she regained her senses, she shot right up, and realised that she was still in Yugao-san's clothes.

Oops! She thought, I better give those back... But for now, I think I need to do some shopping.

Still, not wanting to dirty the lended attire more than she already had, Sakura changed into one of her own, a red skirt and a nice blue shirt with puffy sleeves.
She took the keys from the table and grabbed her purse before makingher way downtown, where she usualy went shopping.

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