That one time your embarrassing childhood phase was useful

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The next day, Sakura decided to resume her ninja duties and go train.

She had neglected her training ever since the invasion, and it was due time she went back to work. If Nanami-san knew she'd slacked off so much she would throw a fit.

The mere thought of her traitorous sensei was enough to dampen her mood which, granted, wasn't that hard since Sakura now lived with two supposedly not-here parents under constant supervision from unknown ANBU.

In addition to that, the spiteful remarks Nanami had thrown at her before going back to Orochimaru still haunted her. Each time she was left without something to set her mind on, even for the smallest l second, her thoughts would wander back to these words and their potential meanings.

Surely there were none.
Why on earth would a missing nin, a traitor and murderer give her clues about something this big? Did it all link back to the man behind the ANBU?

Somehow, Sakura knew everything was connected, as things usually were in the ninja world ; but she didn't know how.

But one thing was for sure : she had to make a plan.

1- Choose one option and start from there.
2- go to the library and find stuff (stuff = more clues on chosen point)
3- read said stuff
4- ask people (inconspicuously) about stuff
5- discover the secret
6- improvise??

Between all of her choices (Naruto, Kakashi, Uchiha, orphans and ANBU) the easiest to dig information up without attracting attention was the Uchiha one.
First and foremost because she remembered them herself, but also because it wouldn't be suspicious to want to find more information about one's 'future husband'.

Playing fan girl was ridiculously easy as fan girls were always dismissed as obsessive and shallow girls with no intelligence or motive whatsoever (which they were, most of the time. Ewww. In hindsight, Sakura couldn't believe she'd stooped as low).

Of course, Sakura couldn't deny she didn't find her teammate attractive.
He was hot and everyone with eyes could see that.

But his personality? Huh. He was cold, and while she'd once found that 'bad' and alluring, Sakura now only saw it as emo-ness and arrogance.
Not really prince charming material.
And who needed a prince charming anyways?

Back to the point.

Finding information on the nearly wiped out clan seemed easy.

Spoiler alert : it wasn't.


At first, Sakura had checked the library, but the only information there were a basic description of the police force and Uchiha clan traditional festivals.

That was it.

No clan history, special techniques or famous members. Nothing. The Uchiha clan, a clan renowned worldwide for their strength, dojoutsu and looks (because yes, Uchihas were breath taking), and there was no information. Granted, they were a secretive bunch, at least when they were still alive, but still!
Even the Hyugas had more scrolls to their name, and these guys had a collective stick up their arse.

A bit put down, Sakura had then started her 'oral investigation', aka talking to people and asking for gossip.
But... each time she asked someone, they would shrug and say something like "well they're not here anymore. Sasuke on the other hand, is a nice lad..." and they'd go off about the boy.
Some of the more hostile people had even cursed the Uchiha name,saying they were "better off dead."

All in all, at the end of the day the pink genin had learnt next to nothing apart from the fact that the clan wasn't well liked amongst the civilians.

And now that she thought about it, the girl could see... other things.
Like the fact that their compound was on the edge of the village, or that the police force was the main place where Uchiha nin graduates worked. (She had read the book, scavenging for any scrap of information available).

Deciding she wouldn't discover anything just sitting around, Sakura remembered a technique the instructors had given them back at the Academy.

"When you don't know, don't be afraid to make a list. Put what you DO know and then elaborate. How do they think? What does your victim want? What are they willing to do for it?..."

And that's what she did.

Again, really sry for the lack of updates and this ridiculously short one.

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Take care and happy December!

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