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————— Epilogue —————

After that, Emerson and Taylor spent the day cuddling in bed and not doing much. They missed their flight, but they couldn't care less. The honeymoon was planned by their parents and, though it was probably some place they both would want to go, they couldn't find it in themselves to care. Later that day — really, it was closer to the evening — though...

"So, where do you want to go for that honeymoon?", Emerson asked Taylor as they sat on one of the Chesterfields with the TV on. They weren't really paying attention to the TV, though.

"Didn't we miss the flight?", Taylor lazily replied. He was too busy playing with Emerson's hands, tracing lines and drawing patterns on them.

"We did, but I still want to take you on a honeymoon.", Emerson explained. "We can go somewhere else — anywhere we want, really. As long as we're back in time for university to start in September, then we're good.".

Taylor had a thought, then, "Are we going to come out to the public as a homosexual couple and explain to them what all my grandparents forced me and my parents to do?".

Emerson sighed, "We probably should. Tomorrow?".

Taylor sat up suddenly, "What? Tomorrow? We haven't... we need... we can't...".

Emerson chuckled, "Calm down, cutie. I was joking about doing it tomorrow.". Then, Emerson had a thought, "Do you want to put your grandparents in jail?".

Taylor stiffened. He hadn't thought about that. He could, though, couldn't he? His grandparents had blackmailed his parents. Forced him to do something against his will. Threatened to kill his parents if he didn't listen to them.

But, they were his grandparents.

"They didn't care about you, Taylor.", Emerson suddenly stated. "They really didn't.".

"Did I say that out loud?", Taylor asked.

"The thing about your grandparents being your grandparents... yeah, you did.", Emerson nodded.

"To be honest, I don't know what to do.", Taylor confessed. "They hurt me and my parents, but I honestly would be perfectly happy if they just stayed away from me and my family — that includes you and your parents and your sisters. They are my family, too, now, legally by marriage and also because they seem to be nice people and I want to get to know them.".

Emerson pulled Taylor into a hug on the couch they were still sitting on. "You're amazing, you know that?".

Taylor blushed, but didn't say anything.

"And, as for your grandparents... we could make them give up Madison Corporation.", Emerson slowly announced. "If that's what you want. We could also cut them and your family's company out of our lives. We could also ask your parents what they think. Honestly, you already have a lot of money to your name and same with your parents. Yeah, your grandparents have a lot, too, but yours combined with your parents combined with mine is a lot more than theirs alone. We could... uh, blackmail them into giving up their company to you... if you want.".

Taylor was quiet before responding, "I don't want to do something bad... I mean, they blackmailed me and my parents... that doesn't mean that I should do the same back to them. Like I said, I'll be happy if they aren't in my life. My parents can choose what they want, but they've done nothing wrong in this and they'll always be my parents. I love them... but not my grandparents.".

"You have a true heart of gold.", Emerson kissed Taylor's cheek. "My cutie husband.".

"I still have to decide what to do about this.", Taylor giggled.

"OK, first of all, you want to tell the public that you're a boy, right?", Emerson asked and Taylor nodded. "Then, to explain, we'll need a reason. I mean, they're gonna be skeptical if we just outright say that Taylor Madison-Fitzpatrick isn't a girl, he's a boy. So, we need a reason. It would be tricky to explain this if we leave out your family situation, but we can if we want to.".

Taylor's heart suddenly made a decision and his eyes narrowed dangerously, "I want to tell the public everything. My gender, my grandparents, everything. They hurt me and my mom and my dad over and over in my life and I want them to pay.".

Emerson let out a low whistle, "Serious and dangerous-sounding Taylor is hot.".

"I'm not just the shy kid everyone seems to paint me as. I'm Taylor Avery Madison.", Taylor replied.

"Taylor Avery Madison-Fitzpatrick, actually.", Emerson countered.

Taylor sighed dreamily, "I love your last name attached to my name.".

"Same.", Emerson agreed. Then, as an afterthought, "Maybe I should change my name to Emerson Tyler Fitzpatrick-Madison.".

"No!", Taylor exclaimed. He blushed, "Uh, please don't. Because then, we're going to argue about the order of our kids' last names in the future.".

"You want kids?", Emerson raised an eyebrow.

Taylor's face lit up, "Yeah! Kids are awesome. A mini me and a mini you. Maybe not now, though, 'cause we're only 18. Maybe in like ten years when we're more prepared for them.". Taylor was going to continue, but he saw the awkward look on his husband's face. "You don't want kids?".

Emerson saw how Taylor's entire demeanor just crumpled. He shook his head, "N-No... kids are awesome.".

Taylor laughed. "I can tell that you have differing views on kids from me. That's OK, though... I have years to make you change your mind.".

Emerson remembered something, "Uh... your grandparents...".

"I know, I know.", Taylor nodded. "Give me a week or so to think about this, though. Everything's happened so fast in the past few days... I guess I need things to slow down.".

Emerson smiled and then spoke, "I have no clue how I got this idea from what you just said, but I have an idea for our honeymoon.".


"How do you feel about a road trip?", Emerson suggested.

"A road trip...?", Taylor thought about it for a few seconds. "You know what? I don't think I've ever been on one.".

"What... how... I'm not even gonna ask.", Emerson shook his head. "It's decided, we're going on a road trip for our honeymoon.".

"OK, then.", Taylor agreed and cuddled back into his husband's embrace.

They might have been married at eighteen, but they stayed together for the rest of their lives. Of course, they had their arguments but, at the end of the day, they always came back to each other and that's what mattered. Sunshine and rainbows and all, they had a true happily ever after.

The End


Taylor and Emerson got their happy ending and you, as the reader, get to understand why there's a road on the cover for this story. As I explained to my friend once, "The road is there for their honeymoon and the sun shining is what their life will be after I finish writing this story.".

So... yeah. Not much else to say. 

The postscript is still after this, so check it out if you're interested. I promise that nothing bad happens to Taylor and Emerson or anyone else in the story (except for the grandparents, of course). It's really just a few sentences on their life afterwards. 

~Pink Elephant

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