Chapter One: Welcome to Forks

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Eleanor exited the plane, Bella behind her. After a long flight from Phoenix to Seattle and then a shorter flight from Seattle and back down to Port Angeles, Eleanor could finally feel herself relax with a deep breath of the cold damp air. The rainy atmosphere of eastern Washington provided a rich, earthy smell that Arizona could never offer. A smell that always brought Eleanor a sense of comfort. Bella nudged Eleanor on her back, the younger of the Swan sisters breaking out of her moment of daydreaming and finally walking down the rest of the stairs from the plane, ignoring the annoyed huff that came from behind her.

Charlie watched his two daughters in amusement. Eleanor's head had always been a little bit in the clouds, but he adored his youngest daughter. Her innocent and bubbly nature made her come off as slightly childish to some, which Charlie knew had left the girl isolated in Phoenix both at home and at school. He was relieved to see her coming to permanently stay in Forks. Every summer and every other winter break Eleanor would come to visit. He knew that she felt comfortable in Forks, the nature surrounding her calming and the people on the reservation down in La Push welcoming. Charlie was knocked out of his inner ramblings as a small body ran into him. He quickly steadied himself and wrapped his arms around his youngest daughter. She hugged him tightly and Charlie held onto her just as strongly, both trying to convey how much they had missed each other.

"Hey Bug, I missed you so much," he gently smiled down at Eleanor.

"I missed you Dad," her small voice chocked out, slightly wavering as her emotions became overwhelming. "I'm so glad I'm home."

Charlie gently soothed her and rubbed her back in small circles to calm the sniffles he could feel against his chest, "I'm glad you're home too, Bug."

Bella watched the exchange awkwardly. She didn't understand why her sister was so excited to be stuck in a grey town with a tiny school and almost no sunshine. She cleared her throat, trying to break up the moment so she could get out of this cold weather and into the car. She watched them break apart and Eleanor move to the backseat of the police cruiser before Bella remembered to mumble out a hello.

"Hey Char—Dad."

"Hey Bells. It's good to see you." Charlie muttered out his welcome. He moved to give Bella a hug having missed her all these years, but with Bella's avoidance of the embrace he's only able to give her a brief side hug.

The car ride to Forks was mostly silent. Eleanor, who had taken the back seat knowing Bella was already dreading riding in the police vehicle, quickly fell asleep against the window. When Charlie glanced to the backseat to check on his unusually silent passenger, he found her passed out against the window. He gently smiled at how adorable she looked; her small button nose bright red from the cold of the glass it sat against, her brown wavy hair was slightly frizzy from the long day of plane rides. Despite being sixteen, Eleanor's short height barely allowed her feet to reach the floor of the vehicle, only the toes of her shoes could be seen softly brushing the floor. Eleanor had never been tall, a gene that seemed to skip only her as Bella, Charlie, and Renee wouldn't be considered short by most.

The cruiser pulled up to the two-story white house. Bella found it looked the exact same since her visit a few years ago, something she found sad, as though her dad was stuck living in the past. It was true that Charlie had never bothered to update the décor after Renee had moved away, but he didn't mind and neither did Eleanor. She thought the yellow cabinets in the kitchen brought sunshine inside and that the pictures on the walls reminded her dad that he wasn't alone when the house was empty and that the large crack in the sidewalk outside brought back memories of falling of her bike when it got stuck in that same place. Eleanor knew this house; it was her home no matter how long she spent away from it.

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