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"Excuse me."  A soft feminine voice with an American accent spoke from behind him.

He turned slowly, his eyes lowering until he was face to face with the petite girl who stood behind him.

She looked so effortlessly beautiful in her casual outfit. Her skin was a pale white that had the faintest freckles lining the bridge of her nose and dusted across her cheeks. Her long hair was dark and thick, wrapped around her like a scarf. She had lips that naturally curled into a slight smile, even when her face was resting, making her look all the more inviting. Her eyes were the most captivating, they were such a light brown, bits of amber flecked through them, with dark curled eyelashes pressing against her eyelids as she stared up at him. She looked like she had never been sad a day in her life.

"Hello!" Wilbur greeted with a warm smile, leaning against the shelf, trying to appear calm and collected. He had never been nervous when a fan approached him before, until now. He managed to knock off a few bags of chocolate chips as he placed an elbow on the shelf behind him.

He watched as her eyes flicked down to the ground as the bags dropped, quickly returning to his gaze. Wilbur quickly squatted down to pick up the bags, setting them back in their respected spot. He resumed his position of leaning against the shelf, doing his best to recollect himself after his fumble, offering her a smile.

"Excuse me." she repeated, her eyes flickering between him and something else. Wilbur's smile grew for a moment, seeing that she was just as nervous to meet him as he was to be approached by her.

"Yes?" He asked, attempting to seem like he wasn't completely full of himself, giving her one more opportunity to ask for a photo before he offered. He removed himself from the shelf, now standing up straight. He knew his height was one of his greatest assets. 

"I'm trying to get to the shelf." she said, raising an eyebrow at him. Her small hands were barely long enough to peak out of her jacket sleeve as she pointed to the chocolate chips he was standing in front of. 

He could barely keep up with what she was saying, loving the way her soft accented voice matched her appearance. Her voice was as angelic as she looked.

"Oh? Oh!" He answered, finally processing her request. A small piece of his heart- and a large piece of his ego- cracked when he realized that she had no idea who he was and that she was just another shopper. He tried to get control of his facial expressions as he stepped to the side, freeing up access to the shelf.

"Thanks." She spoke, looking down as she tossed the chocolate chips into her primarily junk food filled cart. She was successful at hiding her face, but Wilbur grinned as he watched her walk away, hearing the smile in her voice. 

"Damn." Wilbur whispered under his breath as she stepped out of his view. He turned quickly, grabbing a few of each blue colored cotton candy he could find, making his way to the check out. He watched the girl from moments ago, who was unfortunately not a fan, from behind as the cashier scanned his strange order. He paid, walking past her quickly and out the door, hoping she didn't see he was only leaving the shop with several tubs of cotton candy. 

Wilbur looked down at his phone, getting ready to call Tommy about his great, and somewhat embarrassing encounter, remembering that he had already begun streaming and wouldn't answer. Wilbur quickened his pace, eager to join Tommy's stream to tell him about the events of getting his cotton candy. 

"Wil! I'm live, I'm live, I'm live!" Tommy called out as soon as Wilbur joined his discord call. 

"I know, I know, I know!" Wilbur laughed, imitating Tommy's urgency. 

"You took so long! The chat has been begging for you to come sing to them since I mentioned you'd be joining us." Tommy complained, continuing to build his new home in minecraft. 

"Fine, but after I have to tell you a story." Wilbur laughed, grabbing his acoustic guitar this time. He played a few test strums, getting reacquainted with the familiar vibration he missed when he was practicing on the electric guitar earlier. 

Wilbur began playing a few songs for Tommy's stream for the following twenty minutes or so. He played songs he had released, teased some new pieces he was working on, and even sang a few covers. Of course, Tommy joined in for every song he knew, which was most of them. 

"I think that's enough for now." Wilbur said with a sigh as he set down his guitar. His fingers cramped as they were still recovering from his hour of practice earlier as well. 

"Does that mean you're finally going to get on the game and actually help me?" Tommy joked, hitting Wilbur's idle character that still stood where he spawned nearly half an hour ago. Wilbur promptly hit him back before running into Tommy's new home. 

"Don't tempt me or I'll burn this down like I did L'Manberg!" Wilbur threatened, already placing several TNT blocks in the front room. 

"WILBUR!" Tommy yelled, chasing after him and destroying each explosive block. Wilbur was laughing heartily, enjoying the time he spent with Tommy. 

"Just tell me your story and stop trying to blow up my house!" Tommy begged as he broke the last block of TNT. 

"Oh man, I nearly forgot." Wilbur sighed, leaning back in his desk chair. His hands trailed their way into his hair, pushing his beanie off the back of his head in the process. A smile spread across his face just from thinking about the American stranger. 

"So, I'm at the store, getting your stupid cotton candy, when I hear this faint 'excuse me' from behind me." Wilbur started, doing his best at imitating her feminine voice and accent. "So, I turn around and there's this girl behind me. She looks maybe a bit younger than me, 22ish I'd guess, and she's like, shorter than Tubbo." Wilbur laughed, closing his eyes to picture her face again. 

"Not even safe from fans in your local stop and shop, I see?" Tommy joked, placing dirt blocks around Wilbur's idle character. 

"Just wait! So, this girl. She's beautiful man. Only way I can describe her is she looks like honey. She has this dark hair and light brown eyes, a few cute little freckles, and even with a blank expression her face has this hint of a smile." Wilbur groaned, placing his face in his hands. He was thankful he was only on discord with Tommy and not streaming himself as he started getting flustered over the situation all over again.

"So, she's a hot fan. You know I love women, tell me more." Tommy crudely joked. Wilbur almost felt the need to correct Tommy. Something about her seemed so innocent, like she should never be the butt of one of Tommy's 'I love women' montages.  

"Anyway," Wilbur emphasized, moving on from Tommy's humor. "I say hello, flash her my signature grin, lean against the shelf, and completely knock over like four bags of chocolate chips. I pick them up, trying to regain my composure, when she just continues to stare up at me and says 'excuse me' again! So, I'm giving her a couple more seconds to ask for a photo before I offer to take one with her when she goes, 'I'm trying to get to the shelf behind you' and points to the chocolates. I side step, mortified, because this girl has no clue who I am, and she just grabs a bag and leaves." Wilbur laughed along with Tommy as he retold his embarrassing encounter. 

"Oh man, so she's really not a fan then?" Tommy asked to confirm. 

"Nope, not a fan. I hope she will be, probably the only chance I'd get at a shot of talking to her again." Wilbur sighed, a smile still on his face as he returned to the game.


(1,373 words)

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