Chapter 16

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Rose's P.O.V

As I approached the stairs, I saw the boys playing video games in the living room. They were too busy in having fun to notice my presence, which I didn't mind at all.

I went upstairs to my room and entered, closing the door behind.

Quickly taking off my headband, shoes and socks, I threw them in one side of the room and laid down on my bed.

I was about to close my eyes and take a nap but no, they have to disturb me.

"Rose, do you want to play outside with us?" Dylan asked from the other side of the door.

"No." I replied quickly and closed my eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the clock and realised it was dinner time.

I overslept, but I feel better. I've never slept this much. Sometimes, I don't even sleep at nights.

Stretching, I got up from the bed and left the room. I went downstairs and towards the dining hall, from where I could here the low chit chat.

Everyone was gathered already. I went to sit down on my place and started eating.

"Are you leaving tonight?" Dylan asked Robert.

"Yes." He replied and after that, nobody said a single word, as we all focused on our food.


The next day

I woke up with a massive headache and felt like throwing up. I quickly got out of bed and rushed towards the restroom.

After throwing up, I went numb. My legs were not quite stable and my heart was beating rapidly. I rinsed my mouth thoroughly and opened the shower. Not taking off my clothes, I stood under the water and let them get wet.


After staying under the water for about 15 minutes, I came out of the bathroom and changed into something comfortable.

My head was still in severe pain. I guess the effects were slowly showing now.

Leaving the room, I made my way downstairs and towards the dining hall to find some medicine.

"Good morning." Dylan said but I ignored him and straight-up went towards the cupboards.

As I began looking through them, I felt dizzy. Things around me started to rotate and black spots appeared in front of my eyes.

"What's wrong? What are you looking for?" His voice. It was kind of fading.

"Rose, are you okay?" That was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes and falling down, my body crashing on the floor with a thud as I slipped out of reality.


Dylan's P.O.V

"What really happened?" Ryan asked as I tried to compose myself.

"I don't know. She was looking through the cupboards and suddenly fell down, passing out." I replied.

We were in a hospital currently and I was nervous about what just happened half an hour ago. I was still trying to process the whole situation in my mind. She seemed fine last night, so what happened suddenly? What caused her to faint like that? The answers to my questions could only be extracted from her after she woke up.

The doctor came out of the room and I quickly walked towards him.

"What is it, doctor? How is she?" I asked concerned.

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