Chapter 19

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Rose's P.O.V

I was sitting on my desk, doing my homework after a long time. I wonder how I still got good grades when I barely studied. That was when I heard a knock on the door. Of course, it has to be any of them. They can't see me living in peace.

"Rose, come down for dinner." It was Dylan. He sure loves to bother me whenever I want to be alone. Even though he's trying his best to make it up to me, I don't want him to annoy me, since he's not going to get what he wants.

However, I got up from my chair and closed all my books, as I was actually hungry right now. Putting my stuff aside, I left my room and went downstairs.

In the dining hall, I saw everyone gathered. Damien and Robert were there, too. I sat down on my place without saying anything. They were all silent for some time, nobody ate but then Robert spoke up.

"Rose, your birthday is coming next month and that means, you're going to be 19. I have decided that you will be engaged to Daniel, my friend's son." He told me and I raised a brow in surprise. The audacity he has to tell me whom I am going to be engaged with.

"Really? And what exactly makes you think I'll do that?" I asked as I started to eat my food.

"Because it'll help us in the mafia. In this way, our mafia will grow bigger and stronger. Daniel has agreed, so they're coming here next month. Now, it's time for you to be prepared." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

"Mafia. Sh*tty mafia. Do I look like I give a da*n about your stupid mafia? Besides, you call me useless and mafia is really important for you so, why don't you just marry one of your sons with him? That'll be better." I told him and he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down while the others were looking shocked and angry.

"Daniel will come here with his family next month and you will be engaged to him, whether you like it or not." He said with gritted teeth while I took a bite of my steak.

"Let's see if you can do that." I said, taking a sip of water. If he really thinks I'll obey him like before, he should be prepared then, for I will not do what he wants.

"Don't test my patience, Rose. Stop being so egoistic and just agree." He told me calmly but I could see the anger rising in his eyes.

"I wonder where I got that ego from." I said and noticed Dylan's lips slightly curved upwards.

"Why won't you listen? I'm your father!" He hit his palm on the table in anger.

"Are you though? I remember you saying that you were ashamed of having such a daughter." I asked and got up from my seat.

"Sit down, Rose." He demanded but I just ignored him and left the dining hall, leaving them all silent.

Ryan's P.O.V

Father and Damien came back from their business trip just a while ago. They wanted to tell us something, so we all went to the dining hall. We sat on our places and father spoke up.

"So, what had happened to Rose?" He asked with no expression on his face.

"Dylan said she passed out while searching something in the cupboards, so we took her to hospital. Doctor said that there were drugs found in her body and it was affecting her health. She woke up later that day and we asked if she takes or used to take drugs. She denied and we asked who did it to her. She said.." I explained but paused at the end.

Was it really true? Did mother really do that? But why would she, when she loved Rose the most? But why would Rose lie? I was fighting with my subconscious, confused about whom to trust.

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