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"Romeo! Stop!" I yelled, chasing after my brothers.

I ran up the thousands of stairs we had to climb to get to the front door.

"I'm telling papà!" Xavier yelled back at me.

Once we got to the door everyone stopped at the door staring at something

"What's all this noise you are all making out here?" the giant questioned.

"Papà Yelena has a hickey." Emilio said in a frustrated voice.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, confused.

Then everyone moved out of the way for him to see me right in the middle.

I'm almost twenty are they fucking serious.

Adrian magically appeared but walked past us with one hand in his pocket and a bag in the other.

"Who gave that to you?" The giant asked in a calm voice.

"Why?" I question.

"it's not that big of a deal." I said with an attitude towards my father.

"I'm not a baby, so please don't treat me like one." I tell him in a calm voice.

My brothers stared at me in shock, but the giant sighed and told me to go to my room.

That's what I did.

Sike bitches that's not what I did.

I couldn't even find my room, but then I found it when I saw the bags piled up at the door.

I went in and put all the clothes I bought away in the closet.

I then picked out an outfit that I wanted to wear for the day.

It was a grey tight U-neck long sleeve shirt and black shorts that weren't tight with a white thong.

After I finished picking my outfit, I got into the shower and exfoliated my body parts, then washed my hair.

I found a scented body wash, and it said it smelled like roses, so I used it.

I got out of the shower and put on my clothes, then brushed my teeth and hair.

I heard loud noises coming from downstairs, so once I finished I hurried downstairs to see what it was.

Everyone was in the kitchen, and Adrian was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

He was surrounded by my brothers while the giant and the goddess were eating peacefully at the dinner table.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" Emilio yelled at Adrian.

"Do you have a death wish?" Alvero asked.

"We promised we would never do that." Romeo added.

Adrian then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Why wasn't he saying anything?

He seemed like the type to be an asshole when people were yelling at him, but he didn't do anything.

Adrian opened his eyes then said, "She let me." and they all got even louder.

It was pissing me off.

"Shut up!!" I yelled at them, and they all went silent.

"Okay, now sit down and eat like good boys would," I said and rolled my eyes

The giant chuckled because they listened to me, but my mother continued eating silently.

I then sat down, but the only open seat was next to Adrian; I guess I was okay with that.

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