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"FUCKING BITCH! CARLOS, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." Mia screamed at me while pushing our sixth child out of her. I leaned on the wall and stared as she cursed and screamed at me. She groaned and breathed heavily while pushing. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly.

Her screaming stopped when she heard our baby girl's little voice crying. The doctor let me cut her umbilical cord then took her somewhere, bringing her back a few minutes later. She was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a pink beanie on. The doctor let Mia hold her and I watched as Mia cried while smiling at her.

"My little princess." She whispered, gently caressing her cheek. "Carlos, I want her ears pierced." She demanded, frustratingly glancing at me. "Whatever you want, my love." I replied, trying to keep from yelling at her. I do not get demanded, I do the demanding.

"Would you like to hold our daughter?" She whispered,  looking up at me. "I will break her." I answered backing away. "Bull shit, you didn't break your other six children." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and re-adjusting our daughter in her arms. I sighed in defeat and walked towards Mia. I sat down next to her and cradled our daughter in my arms.

She was so beautiful. I would love her forever and care for her until I die. I would never be upset with her and I'd always be on her side, no matter what the case may be. "I want her name to be Yelena Maria Alverez." Mia whispered, putting her hand on my arm. "Yelena, huh." I scoffed, rubbing her tiny palm with my thumb.

She stopped crying and relaxed more when I did that. Making her feel comfortable is something I want very much. There was a knock on the door. "Mr. Alverez, are the children aloud to see their new sibling now?" Anastasia, our maid, asked. "Yes." I responded. My five children barged into the room and rushed over to Yelena.

"Move, Romeo, I want to hold her first." Emilio demanded. I grabbed Emilio's wrist, forcing him to look me in the eyes. "You drop her and you are dead, Emilio." I whispered, his cheer dropped and his smiled faded. "Carlos, he's only five. Don't talk to him like that." Mia said, smacking my arm.

I sat Emilio on a chair across the room and let him hold her. "Whats her name?" Emilio asked. "Yelena." I answered, watching as all of her brothers stared down at her. My sons got their height from me, and I was positive Yelena would get her height from her mother. "Boss, one of the cocaine containers were stolen." One of my men came rushing in.

I looked at Mia and saw a sad smile on her face. She nodded and gestured to her lips. I sighed and walked over to her, kissing her lips then walking out the room. We walked out of the hospital and got into my black SUV. "Who was it." I demanded an answer from Tyler. He sighed and shook his head.

"Victor Garbani's men." He answered, grabbing his phone and showing me pictures of dead men on the floor and the spots that were missing the containers of cocaine. He betrayed me, I was backstabbed by my childhood best friend. He was like a brother to me but he didn't feel the same about me. I told him everything, we killed together, smoked together, stole together.


When I was on my way home I saw him on top of Mia. Mia was bruised and bloody. She was lying there, unconscious and naked. I should have killed him, I should have tortured him for what he did to my wife. But, I couldn't. He got off of her and turned around to see me standing there. "Hope you learned your lesson, brother." He scoffed, walking out of the front door.

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