Mortal Romance And Mortal Problems Part One (IX)

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 Hinata and Komaeda are watching a movie.

The brunet is nestled into the vampire's chest, breathing softly as he's practically half-asleep. Komaeda smiles, wrapping his arm around his finace and pulling him closer. His stomach rumbles but he chooses to ignore it. He knows Hinata would go all ballistic if he found out he was hungry and offer himself-and that's the opposite of what he wants.

He hates this, he hates this! It's like his vampirism is a god and Hinata is the servant kneeling at its feet. He knows that's one of the things Hinata loves most about him and he's into it or whatever, but it doesn't have to be their whole relationship. Whenever he's hungry, bam, Hajime is baring his neck-or he'll just offer it randomly. How annoying.

So that's why he decided it would be a good idea to play human. He didn't intend to show any more of his vampirism characteristics or store blood out in plain sight or anything. Once Hajime found out about him, he did tell him his 'condition' had nothing to do with their relationship. And now that they're getting closer and closer to the wedding every day, he wanted to reinforce that now more than ever.

"Hey Hinata," He murmurs to the warm body on his lap, "I'm going to go get a snack, do you want anything?"

The brunet wraps his arms around Komaeda. "No, you don't have to go anywhere. . .just have me."

Komaeda's eyes turn cold. "No," He shoves Hinata off of him, "I'll be right back."

He stands and disappears into their guest room, making a beeline for the closet. In the back behind a couple of boxes is a minifridge, where he has recently begun stashing his blood packs. He grabs a bag and pierces it with his teeth, drinking angrily.

Sometimes he can't help but wonder if Hajime's even into him as a person. He should have never said anything about it although it is the sort of thing you divulge before marriage.

There is a knock on the door and Komaeda freezes, whipping around with his blood-red eyes, teeth still buried in the plastic. Hinata is standing there rubbing his blurry eyes.

". . .I could've done that."

Well, at least he's desensitized to the scary aspects of his body.

Komaeda reluctantly removes the trashy old stale blood bag from his mouth. "I wasn't in the mood for yours."

Hinata shrugs. "Alright. Come back when you're done."

And Hajime pads out of the room.


Komaeda sets down a plate of rice and curry in front of his finace before sitting down across from him. He had made a plate for himself he was going to force down and puke up later so that he could seem more human.

He smiles at the brunet before scooping up some rice and popping it in his mouth. Hinata's brows furrow.

"What is the gift for one-hundred years of marriage? Like one year is paper, thirteen is lace, sixty is diamonds. . .what would one-hundred be?" He wonders out loud.

"I don't know. Why do you ask?"

Hinata smiles fondly. "I was just wondering what I'll have to get you for our one-hundredth anniversary. Then what is five hundred? One-thousand? Is it like a country or something?"

Komaeda frowns. "There is no way you'll be alive by one hundred years of marriage. It's not possible."

Hinata tilts his head to the side. "I thought vampires were immortal-except for being killed."

He tenses. "Uh. . .you're not a vampire, Hajime. You smell pretty human to me."

"Yeah, but I will be. I mean, after we get married we're going to want to be together forever, right? It's come up in the past so I just assumed-"

"I would change you?" Komaeda interrupts coldly, "Yeah, I'm not going to do that."

Hinata frowns. "What? Why not?!"

"I was never really going to. I don't want to condemn you to a fate like this. If you want to be some immortal blood-thirsty monster, get someone else to do it to you. Otherwise, you're keeping your mortality Hajime."


"I told you at the beginning, my species would have nothing to do with our relationship. It's supposed to be identical to a normal, mortal romance. I know getting turned into a vampire being together for all of eternity is very romanticized nowadays, but newsflash, Bella Swan, it's not all it's cracked up to be." Komaeda hisses.

Hinata stands, slamming his hand on the table. "So what, Edward, you'll be with me until I die of old age and you'll move on to your next lover? You'd rather watch me die than be with me until the end of time?!"


"No, I don't want to hear it right now! Because it sounds like you don't actually love and care about me as much as I thought you did! I thought we were going to devote ourselves entirely to each other because we love each other enough but if you don't care that much, maybe we shouldn't even be getting married at all!"

Komaeda's tone and eyes are as cold as ice.

"Yes, maybe we shouldn't."

The brunet glares hard at him before storming out of their home, barely even having time to grab his coat and wallet on the way out.

He doesn't intend to come back. Komaeda doesn't care whether he does or not.

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