The Big Friendly Nagito

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   "No, hey, come on, guys, please-" 

   One of the bullies grins, shoving Hinata's body under what must be a three-hundred-foot-tall door to him. He immediately tries to wriggle back under, but they don't let him through, forcing him to stay inside the giant house.

   It's tough to be a human in a world like this, especially when they have to live side-by-side with giants, who ate many of his kind on a daily basis. Being forced into the house of one of them as a human with no escape was not the ideal position to be in.

   He reminds himself to take deep breaths as he tries to calm himself down. There's a way out of this that doesn't end with being covered in sauce on a plate. There always is. . .probably.

   Suddenly the ground starts to tremor underneath him, and he stifles a gasp.

   Coming out of a different room is a cheerfully looking real-life giant. It has a mop of fluffy off-white hair on its head and a content, peaceful smile on its face as it crosses the room, a bowl of something that smells really good in its hands. Brown shoes pass alarmingly close to him on their way to the table, making him shudder.

   Hinata stifles a wave of nausea, imagining what exactly is in the soup. He didn't hear any screaming-which should be a good sign-but some giants preferred to dine on humans already dead. 

   The giant sets the bowl on the table and then jolts as if just remembering something. They turn and dart across the room.

   'This is my only chance, I bet.'

   His eyes scan the room, noticing a crack in the corner of the room. It looks big enough for him to squeeze through. His hand flies to the grappling hook on his hip, pulling it out and aiming. 

   Once the hooks are lodged in nicely, he lets his little body fly through the air just as the giant returns with a spoon and takes a seat in front of the bowl.

   But oh no! The hooks weren't lodged in all the way!

   As soon as the hooks come out, Hinata falls, plummeting towards the bowl of soup that just happens to be directly below him, colliding with it with a large splash. 

   Hinata immediately has to throw his head back towards the surface, inhaling the fresh air with some nasally gasps, wiping some soup off of his face.

   He's so distracted and anxious he notices that there isn't a hint of meat, human or otherwise, in the soup.

   He hears a soft "Ah" above him, and he slowly looks up into the wide eyes of the giant boy above him. 

   It doesn't take long for Hinata to realize the sides of the bowl are too slippery for him to get out of it without assistance. . .not that he'd get that far anyway.

   "Hmm. . .turns out I don't have to go out and buy some protein for dinner tonight after all." He says. 

   This triggers Hinata's fight-or-flight, and he, of course, chooses flight, thrashing wildly. "N-No, come on, man, d-don't! Y-You don't want to be that g-guy that eats random humans, you don't know where I-I've been-"

   The giant chuckles. "You're so cute, little one. Relax, I'm teasing. Perhaps a joke made in poor taste, but still teasing."

   The brunet gives him a dirty, questioning look.

   ". . .I much prefer you little guys cooked anyway."

   Hinata suddenly feels quite light-headed, and he sways. 

   The giant bites his lip. "Sorry. Another bad joke. Truthfully, I'm actually a vegetarian. So you really can relax. Here, let me help you out of there."

   He picks up his spoon and fits it under the startled human, lifting him out of the warm liquid and setting it on the table. He ripes up a piece of paper towel and hands them to Hinata to dry himself off-which he does.

   "So," The giant sighs, "You break into my home, tamper with my soup without being an ingredient, and you have yet to say a word. Can I at least know your name?"

   ". . .Hinata Hajime," He mutters, continuing to dry himself, "And I was forced in here by some mean boys to die."

   The giant's face falls. "They sent you in here assuming I would kill you? That's awful. . .I'm Komaeda Nagito, by the way. You're safe here."

   Hinata makes a disgruntled noise in the back of his throat. "If you must know, many humans are jerks. But at least I can fake my death now and. . .whatever. Unless you want to kill those guys for me."

   Komaeda smiles, taking a bite of soup (he's still hungry after all.) "The most I'll do is scare them for you; I'm opposed to hurting humans."

   Hinata huffs.

   "I'm glad you were able to calm down so fast. Now, are you hungry? I can get you something too while we chat."

   The brunet shakes his head. "I've lost my appetite for days, but enjoy your soup."

   The giant shrugs and continues eating. "Very well. Let me finish up with my lunch, and we'll figure out what to do about you."


   ". . .Stop petting me."

   "Is all human hair this spiky?" Komaeda asks instead. 

   "I mean it. Stop it."

   The giant reluctantly pulls his hand back. "So what are you going to do, trespasser? Can I help you get somewhere?"

   "Nah," The human huffs, "Just put me back on the floor. I'm going to go murder those stupid bullies."

   Komaeda scoops him up and carries him over to the door, setting him on the ground. "Are you sure murder is the answer to your problems?"

   "Hey, they tried to kill me first!"

   The giant sighs. "Fine, that's fair. Happy killing, have a great evening."

   "You too," Hinata ducks down to leave and then hesitates, turning and looking back at the tall boy watching him, "Hey Komaeda-kun?"


   ". . .Thanks. You know, for not killing me and helping me out."

   Komaeda hums and nods. "Anytime."

   The brunet shoots him a hesitant smile and disappears. 

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