Who Calling Yo Phone?

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I woke up on Oscar's chest to ringing. I looked at my phone but it wasn't ringing.

"Oscar your phone is ringing."

"Let it ring..." He said turning over and I rolled my eyes get up. I got up and went to get dressed. The whole time I was getting dressed his phone was ringing.

"Oscar?!" I shouted pecking my head out the bathroom. He sat up some looking around.

"What?" He whined rubbing hus eye.

"Someone's calling you."

"It's not important." He said laying back down.

"It must be important if they keep calling." I said rolling my eyes going back to doing my make up.


"You heard me." He didn't say nothing but his phone continued to ring.

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I walked over to his side of the bed picking up the phone

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I walked over to his side of the bed picking up the phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked and he looked up at me.

"Oh, I might have the wrong number I was calling for Oscar." A female voice rang through the phone.

"And what exactly are you calling him for?"

"Who is that?" He asked sitting up and I gave him the hand.

"Oh, I wanted to talk to him about his son."

"Okay, hold on." I hanged up.

"You have a son?!" I threw the phone at him.

"What the hell!?" He stood up.

"When were you gonna tell me, huh? When were you gonna tell me you had a son? You asshole!" He frowned sighing.

"N/n, baby, listen?"

"No! No, Oscar I'm done listen to your shit! And to think I was actually falling for your ass. I can't believe I gave myself up to yo triflin ass! Is that what you were so upset about yesterday?! Because a bitch hit you up talkin bout she got yo son!" I yelled at him and he just sat there looking stupid.

"Don't sit there lookin stupid! Speak up!" I said walking up to him with my arms crossed.

"I was gonna tell you."


"When the time was right."

"The time was right yesterday when I was in a good mood instead of lying to me!"

"N/n, calm down."

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! Okay, I'll show you ass calm." I grabbed a bunch of his shit throwing them at him.

"Get yo shit and go!"

"I don't even know if he's mine."

"Well, until you find out you're not stepping into this house." He frowned.

"And what if he is?"

"Then it is what it is."

"And if he's not?"

"Maybe we can move on once you gain your trust back from me." He grabbed his shit walking out slamming the door. I sighed sitting on my bed.


What do y'all think will happen next?

Hope you enjoyed.

~Keimani 👋🏼

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