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thalia looks up from her phone as the doorbell rings. was she expecting anyone? she couldn't remember.

she slid her phone into her hoodie pocket, getting up and opening the door to reveal a tall man, one who probably had a foot on her.

then, it clicked. "ranboo!" she said, smiling as she opened the door a little wider so he could come in. "techno! ranboo's here!"

he stepped inside the house, having to duck a little underneath the door. ranboo awkwardly looked around the room until his eyes landed on geo. "oh my god, he's even cuter in person," he says, turning to thalia. "can i pet him?"

she laughed, nodding. "i thought you were talking about techno for a moment, but yeah you can pet them if he lets you."

ranboo's eyes light up, squatting down and petting geo, who purrs as he does so. "i think i'm going to cry, he's adorable."

techno walks in with a hum of agreement. "thought that when i first met them too, then he scratched the fuck out of my arms a couple times. still love them though." he says, making ranboo turn towards him and wave.

thalia turns to techno. "should we order pizza? does ranboo like pizza?"

"i think maybe you should ask him that, thal."

she face palms, before turning and smiling towards ranboo. "hey, do you like pizza?"

he nods, making thal sigh in relief. "oh good, for a second i thought you were like, vegan or something, and that i asked a horrible question." she says before walking off with her phone up to her ear.

techno sits down on the couch next to where ranboo is currently sitting on the floor, playing with geo. "we have a dog too, but i have no idea where he is. he's probably sniffing out drugs in a minivan or something, he'll be back soon."

ranboo looks up confused. "is he a police dog or something?"

techno shakes his head. "crusty white dog, or well, ex crusty white dog. thalia made him look not so crusty."

ranboo laughs at that as she walks into the room. "pizza is ordered! i got one cheese and one pepperoni. i figured everyone likes cheese pizza, if not well, then i suppose you're starving for dinner tonight."

"is there not also a pepperoni pizza?" techno asks, raising an eyebrow.

she rolls her eyes. "that's my pizza babe, you can have a slice if you're lucky." thalia says, with her hands on her stomach.

they all laugh, as thalia sits on the couch, leaning into techno's touch.



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@thalia.moore: ice cream is much cheaper than therapy 🍦

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@user79: i dont get the hype lol
↳@user1: be quiet

@user4: you're gorgeous <3
↳@thalia.moore: thank you lovey

@user02: she's right 🤨

@ranboo: hey i was there
↳@user9: MEETUP?????

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