Predictable (3)

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*** Goooood morning all of my amazing readers! Some of you may have gone to bed or woken up this morning to bad news. Or... good news depending on which side of the coin you are on (this is for my Canadian friends). I know my Facebook feed is flooded. I won't get into politics here but I will say that I need some cheering up!

With that little blurb, I am offering a second chapter of the day! Get those comments up there and you shall have it! Happy reading all! ****


Hugging my best friend tightly, my body vibrating in excitement, I pulled back returning her smile. "Do you know how far along?"

"Twelve weeks now." She sat back on the couch, her hand falling to her lower stomach. "We found out before the wedding, but we didn't want to tell anyone until after we got through the first trimester. They say that is the most dangerous time. We wanted to be careful before sharing the news. I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you."

Wow. She had known for nearly two months and didn't tell me? I wasn't upset with her. I was shocked. She was horrible at lying or keeping secrets. But looking back, suddenly a lot of her odd behavior made sense.

I nodded, taking her hand in mine. "I understand, Lil. I am so happy for you and Kai both. He must be over the moon excited. I've heard him talk about being a dad one day."

"He is! He can't wait to tell everyone. We are doing a dinner tonight to tell everyone together. You will stay for it, right?" Her lips tugged to one side as she sank deep in thought. She knew that since the wedding, Lucian and I had been avoiding each other. Well, I was avoiding Lucian was more accurate. The dry humping in the bathroom the day everyone was over for the pool party had been the one and only time we had seen each other. He had finally given up on trying to call and message me after weeks of no response.

"Of course!" I squeezed her hand in mine. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Are you going to be okay with Lucian being here? I know things have been weird for you two. I still don't understand why but I respect that you don't want to discuss it." The disappointment on her face said otherwise.

"Like I said, he is a fucking asshole and a sleaze. Not someone I want in my life." I shrugged, then smiled. "Will there be wine? I know you can't drink but I sure as hell can."

"Absolutely. I will keep you nice and hydrated, all night long. Are you going to bring Jeremy?" She raised an eyebrow as she said his name.

"You know what? I think I will. It's about time that you all met him." I grabbed my phone and sent off a text message.

Me: Are you busy tonight?

Jer: Nope. No plans at all. I was hoping to see you.

Me: Lilly and Kai are having people over. Want to join us for dinner and drinks?

Jer: About damn time. Need a ride?

I chuckled out loud at his message. He had been asking to meet my friends for two weeks now.

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