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| comic con |

addelyn stood on the sidelines patiently as the presenter spoke about their show. Even though she wanted to come to the even so badly with her friends, she couldn't help the intense amount of nervous energy coursing through her at that moment.

their presenter for the day had started announcing the cast, starting with Jeff himself. Dylan moved into place next to the girl and quickly noticed her anxiousness.

he places a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine, Adds. It's gonna be fun, I promise."

"i'm holding you to it, O'brien." she replies, a smile now gracing her face as they listened to their friends names being announced.

"and the badass women only keep on coming! please give a warm welcome to our resident Nymph, ladies and gentlemen, Venus Fiore played by Addelyn Miller!"

the mentioned girl excitedly makes her way onto the stage, waving at all the people cheering for her before taking her seat next to dylan. the boy gives her a reassuring smile as he pays her shoulders while the rest of the cast gets introduced.

as soon as everyone's seated, the cheers become a thousand times louder. addie couldn't believe the amount of people that were seated in front of her at that moment. her attention is pulled away from the crowd and back to the presenter who was now asking jeff about their premier.

"it was also nice to introduce a lot of new characters, especially the twins and venus." addie laughs at the crowd as their screams grow louder yet again.

she was attempting to listen to jeff speak about the different characters and how they've grown, but dylan was finding it more amusing to poke her sides as he pointed different signs and costumes out from the crowd.

she could faintly hear tyler and jeff speaking about tattoos and motorcycles as she spots a girl in the third row wearing a full out werewolf costume. "oh my god, look at her!" addie speaks away from the mic, poking back at dylan.

the girl takes notice that the pair were looking at her and lets out a scream, causing the two to throw their heads back in laughter.

"so, we saw stiles try everything he could to figure out what lydia was and now we have venus who seems to know so much about the supernatural world." addie nods along with the presenter. "the question is, when are we finally gonna know?"

"episode nine." jeff replies bluntly. "the name of the episode is a big clue and venus does play a part in the reveal."

addie pulls a face of surprise as she takes note of the crowds reaction.

"speaking of the girls, we've obviously seen them get more involved this season. " the moderator continues. "there's been a lot of talk about stiles venus and lydia. they all took down motel california in a big way."

"we tried." holland replied in a humble tone, a smile on her face.

"we got to see a lot of tension between stiles and venus as well, is he ever gonna trust her?"

addelyn shrugged as she shared a look with dylan. "stiles is a bitch for no reason, fact." the man next to her feigned a look of hurt as she laughed. "no, but really, i think stiles is being reasonable. he just worries a lot about his friends and just wants what's best for them, that's something i can admire."

AMERICAN BOY ☆ DYLAN O'BRIENWhere stories live. Discover now