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♡ celebinsider, tmz and 501k othersenews teen wolf star addelyn miller caught leaving           new years party with mystery man after she           ditches cast celebrations! link in bio for            more!

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celebinsider, tmz and 501k others
enews teen wolf star addelyn miller caught leaving
           new years party with mystery man after she
           ditches cast celebrations! link in bio for

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username i could've sworn she was dating dylan

username let the girl live wtf

username so what if she wants to spend time with
                 her family and boyfriend? get over it

username didn't she just break up with her
>username that was like a year and a half ago lol

username i just wanna know if he's hot tbh
>username i feel like she has good taste

stinky sadie would like to facetime...
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"what the fuck, addie!" the blonde screams at her camera, giving her best friend the wake-up call she needed.

addie rubs the sleep out of her eyes and lets out a groan, "good morning to you too, sadie."

"no, it's actually not a good morning! have you checked your phone yet? instagram? twitter? anything?!"

"literally who pissed in your cereal?"

sadie rubs a hand down her face frustratedly. "i thought you were figuring your shit out with the whole dylan stuff and now you're going home with random guys?"

"that's what made it onto the internet?"

"is there anything else i should be worried

"i don't think so. i don't get it, what's the big deal?"

"the big deal? the big deal is that people think
this is some huge scandal and that you're cheating on dylan!"

addelyn simply rolls her eyes towards her camera, sadie was always too focused on the PR stuff. that's not to say addie didn't care about it, because she does, she just doesn't care when it something as pathetic as people shipping her or seeing her out with people not in the public eye. she was still human, she could hang out and date people however she pleased.

"okay well that's not true, my friends and i all know that and the public have no reason to believe that
me and dylan were every dating. it's just this
shipping shit that always ruins everything."

"i'm sorry, they don't have reason to believe?" the dirty blonde scoffs, "you act like you didn't see twitter after comic con! the two of you flirt literally every chance you get! addie please don't tell me you're actually that blind."

"is this conversation gonna go anywhere other than you trying to convince me of my feelings for dylan? because as i've said during your previous attempts, it's not gonna work. "

"i don't have to convince you, addie. you know you like him, you're just too scared to say it out loud because that make it real and it means hat you have to do something about it."

"sadie, it was just ben! he and i have hooked up plenty of times before, it's our thing."

ben was her mothers coworkers son, the women have tried multiple times to set the pair up on several dates but for some reason it never worked out between them. until they got drunk at a party and had sex that one time, which now lead to this unhealthy back and forth routine until they both found someone they wanted to be with.

"how is that supposed to make me feel any better?!"
sadie was now telling again, causing her friend to groan and sink back into her pillows.

"you know, normal best friends would come over with a hangover cure or something. not do this shit the first thing in the morning."

"it's literally two in the afternoon, you'd know that if you weren't too swept away in your sexcapade."

"not a sexcapade, he literally left last night."

"okay well how are you going to explain this to everyone? by everyone i mean to dylan."

"i don't owe anyone an explanation, sadie. especially not dylan. just because you think he likes me, doesn't mean he actually does! i'm allowed to do what i want too, you know. now if you'll excuse me, i have breakfast to make!"

"addie you know that not what i-"

call ended !

i'm really on a roll with these updates, i'm very proud of myself
alright let's do it, attack me go for it
at this point y'all should start and anti me club, i'd completely understand why ngl

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