Chapter 13

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     When Kyoya arrived home that evening, he wasted no time in beginning his search of the Institut Villa Pierrefeu to unearth at least some of the mystery that was Reiko Sakamoto. Turning on his computer, the raven-haired male quickly logged in and opened an internet browser page. Typing in the school's name, he began looking through the school's webpage to see if he could find the silver-haired teen's class from the year previous (He didn't need to do much research on the school itself- he already knew it was a prestigious finishing school with a rigorous curriculum rivaling that of Ouran Academy in Switzerland). Unfortunately, Kyoya wasn't able to find Reiko on the school website whatsoever. She didn't appear in any of the promotional images for school events, she didn't even come out in any of the class pictures. This outcome wasn't too surprising, however, with the lengths Reiko and her family went to keep her out of the public eye it was possible that they would have paid the school to remove her from any published images.

     Never one to back down from a challenge, Kyoya contacted one of his family's private detectives. With his expertise, Kyoya had no doubt that he would have access to Reiko's in-school medical records, report cards, and student background information within the hour. In just minutes one of the best investigators in Japan was looking for Reiko Sakamoto's information, and within minutes, the teen received the reply that he had failed. There was no record of a Sakamoto ever being enrolled or having ever applied to Institut Villa Pierrefeu. Kyoya had been lied to... Reiko Sakamoto had never studied at Institute Villa Pierrefeu.

     The thought of having been tricked by his classmate left Kyoya burning with anger. "That brat... who does she think she is trying to deceive me?" he thought. Kyoya found himself glaring at the new name at the top of his contacts list, and in a moment of impulsivity, he called it.

     An obnoxiously silvery voice answered on the first ring. "Hello Kyoya, it's a little soon to be calling me isn't it?" she asked.

     "I'm not sure whether to be furious or disappointed Ms.Sakamoto," he growled.

     "Excuse me?"

     "Do you take me for a fool, Reiko? Did you sincerely believe I wouldn't discover your little lie?"

     Reiko, who had been sitting in her bedroom when he called, frowned deeply. Aside from her name (which technically wasn't even a lie so much as an outdated truth) she'd never been dishonest with the second year. "I've never lied to you, Kyoya."

     "And you truly expect me to believe that? We both know the name Reiko Sakamoto appears nowhere on the registry of Institut Villa Pierrefeu."

     Now understanding why the raven-haired male was so upset, Reiko sighed deeply. "Your diligence is exhausting Kyoya... It's your own fault for assuming that I never attended the school rather than entertaining the possibility that my records were erased. Weren't you supposed to be the one who thought further ahead than anyone else? How disappointing."

     Kyoya rolled his eyes. "Do you truly expect me to believe such a ridiculous story? What kind of parent would erase all record of their child's education? It's of no benefit to anyone. If you intend to lie to me at least offer me the courtesy of spouting something plausible," he spat.

     There was a pause, and he could almost feel her eyes piercing into him as she spoke: "I was there when Kaori and father went to the school and signed the non-disclosure agreement but go ahead. Believe whatever you wish," she sneered.

     His anger with the silver-haired female was forgotten as he focused on the name he had no doubt she hadn't meant to include in her response. "Who is Kaori?" he asked, already starting to look the name up on his laptop.

     On the line, Reiko's breath hitched. He was right, she hadn't realized that she'd said her name. "I-" she stopped herself as she tried to collect her thoughts. "I should go," she finally said and a moment later, Kyoya was hearing the dial tone in his phone speaker.

     Reiko practically threw the phone away from her after she'd hung up on him. She kneeled on her bed with wide eyes. "How could I have made such a mistake?" she asked herself. Kaori was her father's publicist, she had appeared with him at countless events and had even given statements on behalf of the company. She was just as much of a public figure as her father was. If Kyoya dug deep enough, he could easily discover and expose her secret to the public. "This could ruin everything." 

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