Chapter 29

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     Haruhi briefly glanced out the window as she walked through the halls of Ouran Academy. It was early in the morning, but the sun had already come up and shone bright and warm light into the building. The weather was almost nice enough to distract her from the realization that she would be spending her day at the mercy of the Host Club.

     Turning back to the hallway, she raised an eyebrow seeing most of the Host Club members gathered right outside the music room. They were all crouched into a pile right by the entrance and seemed to be staring into the clubroom through a crack in the door.

     None of them noticed as she approached the group. Whatever was beyond the doors had their undivided attention.

     "What are you guys doing?" she asked.

     The sudden sound of her voice caused Tamaki, Honey, and the twins to yelp in surprise; even Mori flinched.

     "SHH! Haruhi, are you trying to get us all killed?" Kaoru hissed.

     "Why are you all crouching by the door?"

     "It's too weird to explain; come see for yourself," Hikaru told her.

     The group shifted slightly to make room for the brunette. She was barely afforded a glance at Kyoya and Reiko sitting on the couch before Tamaki sneezed and sent her tumbling into the room. Without the door to support them, all the members spilled into the club, landing on top of each other in a tangle of limbs.

     Haruhi- who was at the bottom of the pile- groaned in pain as four almost fully grown men were crushing her.

     "Keep your voices down," a cold voice warned.

     When she looked up, the blood drained from her face. Kyoya had leveled an icy flare at the group, one that wasn't made any less intimidating by the fact that Reiko was sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. Actually, it somehow made him look scarier.

     Immediately, she and the rest of the hosts scrambled to their feet. None of them could decide between blatantly staring at the tender scene before them or avoiding their gazes and pretending they hadn't seen anything at all. The results were infrequent eye contact with the club's vice president while they all (save for Kyoya) awkwardly squirmed in place.

     In the end, Tamaki was the one to bite the bullet. "Uhm... Kyoya?" he asked hesitantly.

     The dark-haired male, who had already returned to working quietly on his laptop, scowled at the sound of his best friend's voice. "What is it now, Tamaki?" he asked lowly.

     "What are you doing?"

     "Clearly, I am working."

     The blonde flinched slightly before nodding. "Ah, yes I see... and I see Reiko is with you as well..."

     "Yes, she was already here when I entered the club this morning. It seems she was here all night cleaning up after the party and fell asleep not long after I arrived. As you can see, she is quite exhausted, so I recommend that you all take great care not to disturb her."

     "I don't know... wouldn't waking her up be better? Class starts in twenty minutes," Haruhi said.

     Hikaru stared down at the sleeping second-year, fascinated by her appearance. "I don't think I've ever seen Rei-senpai so relaxed."

     His brother nodded in agreement. "Yeah, this is the first time I've seen her like this too."

     "Kyo-chan's right, you guys," Honey exclaimed. "Rei-chan's tired, so we should all be extra quiet and let her sleep. Naps are important to you know!"

We Are the Sons and Daughters - Kyoya x OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora