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Dabria's POV

After a sleepless night I wake up at 7:50 to my alarm and get ready for breakfast while doing my skincare routine and putting on some jeans, a t-shirt and a sweater since england isnt the sunniest country

Jude comes to my room knocking at exactly 8.05am and Im still doing my make up and he obviously gets 'mad' and just Lay's on my bed on his phone

5 minutes later im done with just a little bit foundation and Mascara and we are both ready to go to get our breakfast

We got our breakfast and finally got to our family, and lets just say most of our family members were happy to see us

I mean there is always that annoying aunt that for some reason just doesn't like you at all, but its that aunt's son, thay is like the best cousin you have

Obviously they arent my direct family but judes, but I grew up with jude's family so we all just really love eachother

Currently me, Amanda, Jude and Caleb are all outside in the backyard playing soccer while all the women are just gossiping and cooking while all the men are watching football

I mean, Caleb and Jude were. Me and Amanda were sitting at the table outside just talking

"I still cant belive your actually here you know" Amanda says from my left looking at Caleb and Jude play

"Yeah its pretty crazy being here again, I really missed it" I say smilling down at the floor "but lets get to the main topic" I say looking at her with a smirk and she instantly knows where im going

"STOOP" she says throwing her head back and smilling

"How has it been going with emre" I say with the biggest smile

Emre is a guy she has had a crush on for the absolutely longest time, she never thought she would have a shot with him so she just went on anf on about him forever

until he actually started to talk to her and going out and all

"First of all the rules still count!" She says smilling "No telling Jude or Caleb anything about this ever" she finishes with me nodding

"Okay. Sooo he may have asked me to be his girlfriend" she says slow and in a high-pitched tone


"WHAT" I shout making Jude and Caleb look to us while shaking theit heads and I feel Amanda's hand fly to my mouth

I was still in shook looking at her with wide eyes and the biggest smile being covered by her hand

"Can I take it off" she asks reffering to her hand wich I respond to with nodding my head

"Holy shit when and how" I ask wanting to know every detail

"Okay Okay" she says fast and excited "so we were at the Ice Skating rink and it was all cool and stuff and I was cold so we went for some Hot Choclate and he asked me out, this all happened like two days ago"

My Jaw drops and I cant hide the huge smile on my face "were you even gonna tell me?!"

She huffs and responds with "DUH! ofcourse I was! I just didnt know how" She says laughing

We talk for a little longer about then until she suddently changes the topic

"So what about you and my cousin" She says looking from him to me with a smirk

I scrunch my eyebrows at her "what do you mean me and Jude" I say

"OH COME ON, we all know theres something going on between you guys. I can feel the tension from miles away" she says the first part loud but then getting more quiet

"Belive me, there is nothing" I say trying not to smile but obviously I Can't

I try to bite the inner of my cheeck but it wont work,

I smile and my dimples pop out

"I KNEW IT" She says as soon as I started to smile

I immediately look at her with wide eyes and tell her to calm down

"It wasnt even a big deal I bet jude doesn't even remember it happened!" I say meaning it and reffering to what happened

"Yeah sureee" she says playfully rolling her eyes

I just smile and burry my head in my hands,

Jude and Caleb are still playing football right infront of us having no Idea what were talking about, atleast I hope they dont

"So are you gonna tell me what happened or what"

I tell her about the whole story and she reacted just the way I did to her relationships a high-toned squirm wich resulted to the boys looking at us like were crazy

"And Dabria" Amanda says looking at ne with a smirk "im not even gonna get into the Instagram pictures" she finishes

As I was about to respond all Our attention gets drawn to a voice from behind us "Food is ready come Inside" aunt Mary said

"Coming" is what leaves my mouth as she goes back inside and Me and Amanda follow her

Me and Amanda had to help set the table and after 5 Minutes everyone came to eat

It was really nice to be back with all the Family,

I missed my own Family. I dont see them very often.

My Mother and Father are divorced, My Mother lives in doncaster with my Younger Brother and I stayed here with My Father

Due to an Accident that happened at work, he has been in a Coma for the last two years and a half.

Me and my Mother have grown apart since then, the only thing keeping us together is my brother

They should be coming today, my Mom and Jude's Mom get along very well so since we cane here to visit they invited my mom and ny brother

They should be here in some hours according to my uncle

I step out of my thoughts as I start to talk without really thinking

I stand up and say

"Everyone I have announcement to make"

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