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it seems like the vacation that we thought was only gonna be a short trip turned out to be a longer vacation

the couple and friends keep sharing pictures and videos on Instagram, they come along with cute comments from eachother

Jude has even been rumored to want to propose?! I wonder how that will go for them!! (they do seem a bit young, do they not)

how cute of the couple to take off some time for themselves, but we are excited to see Dabria back on billboards all over New York, and Jude back on the field!

we'll keep you posted about them!


anjaaa via Instagram


Liked by dabriawilliams, briancaandrea, matheo.calo and 17'987 others

anjaaa: maldivs have been a dream

view all 3'299 other comments

matheo.calo: the most beautiful
     |anjaaa: I Love you

dabriawilliams: I cant even comprehend your beauty <33333


When I woke up today it was raining, didn't think about the weather when we planned the trip

I talked to my Brother, Daniel

he says clarissa has been doing better about the whole situation, I couldn't care less

I have been in my room this whole time, I dont know what else to do honestly, we have two more full days here

right now Im at a little restaurant with Brianca, we have been talking about everyting, including Jude and what is happening between us, I wish I knew honestly

I know and Im sure that I like him, but does he like me? that's the question

I wish I knew, it would make this all way easier

after we ate me and Brianca walked into Jude and Matheo, again just like yesterday, Jude didn't look me in the eyes

I wonder if I did something, I wonder if it about James and us talking yesterday, maybe he's  jealous? He doesn't really have a reason to, we were only talking about books

and if, I could be jealous too cause he was talking to a girl

but then again we have no right or reason to be jealous, were not dating, or even talking

im done with this

im done with wondering

im done with being 'jealous'

im done

im gonna walk over to Jude's little house thing and im just gonna straight up ask him

I dont know where the rush of confidence is coming from but I take and go with it before it gets away

Its raining, but since I dont have anything waterproof, I take my sweater and make my way over to his

its not raining as bad as it was in the morning, its not pouring anymore

Im standing infront of the house and all of a sudden im not so sure about this anymore, what if he just straight up rejects me?

that would be embasrassing

I hope that doesn't happen.

I put myself together and  breathe in and out before knocking on the door

breathe in and-

before I get to the breathe out part the door infront of me opens


"Dabria" Jude says as he opens the door and sees me "I saw you standing infront of the door and its pouring outside" he says

I give him a tight lipped smile "ugh yeah I just wanted to talk" he nodds and opens the door for me to get in

I walk in and the room was very clean, there was a white shirt laying on the bed

I sit on the one side of the bed and he does the same on the other side of the bed

"I just wanted to aks you if everything was fine and okay between us" I say very very very nervous

he nodds and looks down "sure yeah why wouldn't it be"

dont even

"I dont know, you have been the one ignoring me" I say trying to not make some type of scene

"didn't think you would notice, I'd guess you would be with your friend James" He says unbothered

My jaw drops, I cant belive he is on about this

I shake my head in diblief "what do you mean by that"

"last night, you were pretty cozy with that guy James" he says looking at me now

"what does James have to do with anything" I say looking at him trying to understand

"you know what I mean" he says silently while shaking his head

"no Jude" I say now a little bit louder, not cause im mad but cause I want to prove my point "I dont, If you want me to understand you have to talk to me"

he doesn't respond, he just looks down and shakes his head

I cant do this anymore

he's the type of person to not talk about anything and just think that everyone understands him

I do know what he means, but I want him to say it, I want him to admit it himself

I dont do anything anymore but look at him, I shake my head and walk out the door with him calling out my name behind me



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