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Marissa POV:
Our men found the wreck four days ago, but not the bodies. Pavel and Enzo were now our legal guardians, as well as the acting dons.

I was currently in a meeting with all my brothers, we figured the only way anyone could have known where I was being sent when I was a baby is that there was a mole, and knowing our parents plane just got crashed, there still is.

"Okay," Pavel started. "We have all our resources looking for mom and dad, but until we find them, we need to look out for ourselves..."

"Despite what you might think of each other, we need to be United. We cannot let any of us be who ever is doing this' next target." Enzo added.

"From now on, no one is to go anywhere alone. We can only trust ourselves, anyone can be the mole. Isa is to stay with one of us at all times, don't let her out of your sight. I'm doubling security and everyone needs to be ready for anything...any questions?"

Alfonso nodded and started speaking. "Does Isa know how to fight? Just incase?"

I smirked, before Alfonso could register anything I had him pinned to the ground and a pen was pushed against his artery, ready to go in.

"Whooo!" Gio cheered.

"Nice one sis!" Max announced.

"She learned from the best." Pavel boasted. "Ok, so we have some theories of who would be trying to take down both of our families, we have our obvious: the Castillo Crime Family, The Irish Mafia..."

"But our intel says there's a up and coming mafia, that's been planning to be top dog for a long time." Enzo spoke. "They're known only as the Ghosts"

"Ghosts, that's original." Gio mumbled.

"Do we know anything but their stupid name?" Nik asked.

"Unfortunately no, apparently the way they operate is that they kill anyone who works for them when the job is done, to make sure no one can blab." Pavel spoke. "Now, it's getting late, you should all go to sleep, I know it hasn't been a easy few days, and I know most of us haven't slept."

It's true, All of my brothers have spent all their time trying to comfort me that I don't think they have had any time to process the situation. I went to my room and one by one, my brothers trickled and each time I would have to tell them that I'm fine and they should go sleep.

But was I really fine? I don't know. Knowing someone has wanted both my families dead my whole life then having the ability to kidnap me as a baby and take down my parents plane? I was terrified, terrified that I might loose the only family I have left, I already lost my biological mother and now my parents are MIA.

I was asleep when I heard a slight bang coming from my balcony. Before I could get up, I felt a presence next to my bed. Suddenly a cloth was put around my nose and mouth.

Shit. Don't breath in.

I immediately grabbed the knife Nik got me and sliced the hand holding the cloth. Whoever they were seared and moved their hand back. I made a run for the door but was stopped by the intruder. I screamed bloody murder in a attempt to get my brothers awake and to help. However I only got a few seconds of screaming in before the cloth was around my mouth and nose and the man was choking me. I was fighting hard but every breath I took, I got weaker.

I was seeing spots when I heard my bedroom door slam open and seven sets of feet ran in. I heard yelling and eventually, shots being fired, but then I was consumed with darkness.

Giovanni POV:
I had finally fallen asleep when I heard a scream.


I immediately grabbed my gun from my bed and ran out the door to the hall. The scream had apparently woken all of us up because Enzo, Alfonso, Max, Pavel, Adrian, and Nik we're all running to her door as well.

I quickly slammed the door open and saw a large figure choking Isa. The scene made me want nothing but blood, but the fact that Isa was thrashing made me hesitate from shooting, I didn't want to shoot her, I couldn't take the risk.

Luckily Pavel and Alfonso fired the first shots. The man fell back in pain and a now unconscious Isa was on the floor.

Someone turned the light on and Lorenzo ran past me to Isa. Holding her face in his hands he began to shake her.

"Isa! Marissa! Wake up!" He yelled.

"Come on M." Nik mumbled.

We all held our breath until we saw Isa gasp.

Thank God.

"Hey, hey, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Enzo worried, scanning her for injury.

Isa's head quickly turned to the man that attacked her. I walked over and felt his pulse. "He's alive."

"Good, I want to torture the bastard." Adrian exclaimed.

"Me too." Added Alfonso.

"You'll get it, but we need answered first." Pavel announced.

"Nik, Max and Gio, stay with Isa, we'll take him down to the pit." Pavel instructed. I nodded. The pit was were we torture our worst enemies.

We stayed with Isa for the rest of the night, in Max's room, we all stood awake watching over her. I wasn't there to protect her from that intruder or the kidnappers when she was a baby but I'm never going to let anything happen to her again.

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