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A figure moved with the shadows, blending in with her black outfit and mask. The knife was hidden behind her back, secured by a holder, and every tap of it that landed on her skin when she moved reminded her of what had happened earlier that day.

He was walking alone. Silly boy. She watched silently as he lit a cigarette and aimlessly strolled around, unaware of anything other than the peace of the night.

Iris smirked.

She moved quickly and unsheathed her knife behind her back, moving closer.

"Is someone there?" he says, nervous, as he hesitates with the next drag of his cigarette.

"You really shouldn't walk around at night by yourself," Iris says, emerging from the shadows.

"W-what the fuck? Why do you have a knife? SOMEONE H-"

His call for help was cut off when she twirled the knife in her hand before jabbing it right into the side of his neck. He was choking, blood spilling from his lips and she watched eagerly, crouching down with his dying body as he fell to his knees.

"Never sexualize my friend like that, you asshole," Iris growls, ripping the knife out from his neck. "See you in hell."

With that, she stood and kicked his back, making him fall face first onto the gravel. She wiped her knife on the back of his shirt with a small hum before pulling out her phone and clicking a familiar contact.

"Namjoon," she grins. "Need a clean up crew. Corner of East Coastbrune."

There was laughing on the other end, and she could already see the boy shaking his head with those dimples in his cheeks. "Sure thing, sweetheart."


"Make yourself at home."

Maria looks around Iris and Taehyung's apartment with amazement. They had the finest pieces of art hung up and other architectural pieces that made the place seem like it held an old vibe, but in a good way. Her eyes then caught a canvas with a half-done painting, and she looked at it in awe.

"That's Tae's new piece. He paints when he gets stressed," Iris explains, handing her a cup of water. "Sorry if the place isn't as prestigious as you're probably used to."

"It's beautiful," Maria frowns, looking up at Iris. "It holds so much of your guys' personality."

Ivy smiles. "Feel free to explore as you wish. I have to make a phone call real quick."

Maria hums, walking further into the house. It felt a lot more homey than her own, that was for sure.

Iris actually lived pretty close to Maria, which excited her. She was looking forward to hanging out with her new friend more often.

"Taehyung and Jimin are on their way now," Iris announces when she walks back into the room, and Maria chokes on her water.

"Right now?" Maria asks, panicked. She runs a hand through her hair subconsciously and feels her cheeks warm.

"You look fine," Iris laughs, heading towards the living room before abruptly stopping and looking over her shoulder with a smirk. "I'm sure Jimin would think his kitten looks pretty no matter what."

Maria's face felt like it was on fire.

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