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Namjoon was leaning against the lamppost, lollipop in mouth and arms folded tightly over his chest when Iris arrived.

"What's up, baby?" he smirks, pulling the lollipop out.

"Namjoon," Iris grins, handing him a file. "Still addicted to those damn sugar sticks I see."

"Better than cigarettes, sweetheart," he shoots back, adjusting his baseball cap. "I'll look the file over. You guys sound pretty desperate to get this creep off the streets."

"If I had it my way, I would slit his throat right now," Iris replies coldly. "Call me after you've had a look at it."

Namjoon smirks as she walks away and opens the file. A name and photo was the first thing he saw, and his eyebrow rose curiously.

Seong Kyu.


"I don't want to go back."

Iris stops looking through her closet and turns around. Maria was sitting on the end of the bed, lips turned down and eyebrows furrowed in worry. Like she feared the trio would kick her out now that she wasn't a crying cripple anymore.

"You're not," Iris answers simply, grabbing a black hoodie before looking for some shorts. "I won't let you."

Maria smiles sadly, looking up at Iris as she hands her the clothes. "I have to. I'll need a dress for the next event."

"That's what shopping is for," Iris shrugs. "Don't worry about it, baby doe. Go get changed."

Maria does as she's told, and Iris's hoodie was too big for her, but she didn't mind. It was comfortable all the same. When she came back into the living room, Jimin's conversation with Taehyung fell short as he took in the oversized hoodie swallowing her hands and falling down her thighs.

Her thighs... what Jimin would do to get to caress the smooth kiss and mark them up in his love bites.


Said boy looks up with a hum of question to see Maria frowning in concern.

"I asked if you're hungry. Iris and I are going to make dinner," she explains.

"Oh, sure, kitten," Jimin nods, placing his chin on his hand as he watches her walk away.

"You've got it bad," Taehyung snorted, slapping his back.

"Shut up, you fucking cockblock," Jimin snaps.

"When was I a cockblock?" Taehyung whines, intertwining his fingers in Jimin's and grinning despite Jimin's unamused face. "Did you two, y'know...?"

"We haven't done anything yet," Jimin says, squeezing Taehyung's hand in warning.

"Yet," Taehyung smirks.

"Yet," Jimin agrees, rolling his eyes before slapping the back of Taehyung's head. "God, you're annoying."

"Says you," Taehyung retorts, sticking his tongue out.

Their bickering ended up with Jimin chasing Taehyung around the house with his sandal while Maria and Iris tried to save the food.

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