Chapter 13 - Holy Ground

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- Emmett -

The next evening, Clay called to ask me over to his house for dinner. "Meeting the parents, huh? Isn't that kinda serious?"

Clay gave one of his carefree laughs that melted my cold, dead heart. "I thought it was time. Besides, my sister invited her boyfriend over. She's freaking out that our parents are going to scare him away."

"Okay, you found my weakness. I'm a sucker for young love."

"You are the best."

I went through three pairs of pants and five shirts before I settled on an outfit. I didn't want to be too casual, but I also didn't want to look like I was trying to impress them. It was stupid to care so much about meeting my friend's parents.

But Clay wasn't just an ordinary friend. If this were Carrie, I'd throw on some jogging shorts and a random t-shirt from my drawer. I certainly wouldn't have put on my best cologne.

Nor would I be bothering to gel my stupid fucking hair that would not comply with my wishes. No matter how much I fussed with it, my hair never seemed to go just how I wanted. That always seemed to be the case. On a regular day, it would look like it had just been freshly styled by a professional. Tonight, it flipped and flopped and stuck up in all the wrong places.

I finally gave up trying to perfect it after ten minutes. My efforts were only making it worse.

"You look spiffy," Mom said as I got to the bottom of the stairs. "Got a hot date?"

I shook my head and explained where I was going.

"You must really like him to meet his family. I didn't know it was serious between you two."

"We're just friends."

"If you say so." She raised her hands in surrender.

"He's straight!"

"If that's the case, then why are you dressed like you're about to go on a date?"

I looked down at my outfit—a basic maroon shirt and navy shorts with my gray lace-up Vans. I thought it was simple, but respectable. I didn't expect to get called out on it. "I just like to look nice sometimes."

"Mm-hmm." Mom walked over and placed her hands on my shoulders. "Sweetheart, don't make the same mistake you made with Alfie."

"This isn't even remotely the same thing. Alfie was my boyfriend. Clay is just my friend. I know the difference."

"Alright." She brushed her hands over my shoulders. "Go on. Have fun."

"It's dinner with his family. I doubt it'll be fun."

She frowned. "Not with that attitude."

"You wouldn't want to let me borrow the car to drive over there, would you?"

"Not after you backed into the mailbox the other day."

"Because you kept yelling at me."

"Because you were headed straight for the mailbox!" She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Could you at least give me a ride?" I asked. "It's so hot and I don't want to get sweaty riding my bike."

"That I can do." She grabbed her keys and phone off the counter and followed me out the door.

On the way out, we spotted Dr. Herrera getting out of her car across the street. We all exchanged waves.

"Hot date tonight, Em?" Dr. Herrera yelled.

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