Chapter 64 - Under Pressure

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- Clay -

I didn't know what to do, so I called together the only people I could turn to for help. Surrounded by my best friend, my ex-girlfriend, and my sister, I sat on my bed, hugging my knees to my chest, as I told them all what happened with Duke.

I thought about calling Emmett, too, but Duke made it clear what would happen if I told Emmett anything. So, I lied to Emmett and said I was busy this afternoon. I reasoned that it wasn't a total lie. I was busy. Doing this.

"That asshole!" Rachel paced the floor at the foot of my bed, arms crossed. "I could murder him for this."

"It's seriously twisted," Summer added. She was sitting beside me, her hand resting on my knee.

Jackson, slumped in the desk chair, sighed. "I told you he'd do something like this. It's just who he is."

Rachel whirled around to face Jackson. "Who he is, is a guy who's going to have my steel-toed motorcycle boot shoved up his ass."

"What do I do?" I asked, looking at each of them. "He only gave me till Friday to decide."

"You have to tell Emmett," Summer said flatly.

I shook my head. "If I tell Emmett, he'll confront Duke, and Duke will out me for spite, because I don't think Emmett would be with someone who'd do something like that."

Summer put her hand on my face to force me to look at her. "He deserves to know."

"I agree," Rachel said, hands on hips. She looked fierce, even in pigtails. "That dickhead shouldn't get away with this."

I looked at Jackson. "What do you think?"

"I got your back, bro. Whatever you decide, I'll be there."

That was sweet, but completely unhelpful.

I took a deep breath. "I don't know if I can handle having everyone know about me. Emmett told me this awful story about getting beat up in ninth grade after some guys found out he's gay."

Jackson sat forward, pressing his hands to his knees. "If anybody tries to lay a finger on you, I'll kick their ass."

Rachel moved to sit beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Me, too. I'm not afraid to cut a bitch."

"Thanks," I said.

It was a thoughtful gesture, but Jackson couldn't stay by my side 24/7. And Rachel barely reached the minimum height requirements for the Ferris wheel at the fair every year. She might be ferocious, but she was a pipsqueak. A chihuahua barking at dobermans.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. Dad stuck his head in. "Bean, didn't your mother tell you to unload the dishwasher?"

Rachel turned to him. "I'll do it in a minute, Dad. I've got serious business to deal with first."

I rolled my eyes as Dad stepped inside. I didn't want to bring my parents into this. If Mom found out, she'd go to the school, or worse, to Duke's parents. And Dad could never keep a secret from her.

Dad looked around at us. Jackson and Summer both came in through the back door in my room. I doubted my parents even knew they were here.

"What's going on?" Dad asked. He seemed appropriately worried.

"Just drama," I said.

"Is it Emmett? Are you boys having problems?"

"It's nothing like that. Me and Emmett are solid."

He threw another glance around the room. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't have to tell him everything. I could just reveal the important bits without bringing Duke into it. "I'm trying to decide if I'm ready to come out. More publicly. Like in a way that the whole school would find out." I paused to gauge Dad's reaction. When he did nothing more than nod, I asked, "What do you think?"

"I think that's a very personal choice, and only you can know if you're ready for it. But you know me and your mom are here for you, and we fully support any choice you make."

I nodded. I didn't really expect much else. "Thanks, Dad."

"Either way, I want you to know I'm proud of you, son."

I smiled.

Dad looked at Rachel. "When you're done here, the dishes await."

"Yes, sir," Rachel grumbled.

Once Dad left, I looked around at them. They all knew, and they still loved me. When I came out to my mom, she told me that if my friends couldn't accept my sexuality, they weren't real friends. Maybe it was time to test that theory.

"I think I know what I have to do." I released a heavy sigh. "But first I have to talk to Emmett."

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