28: There's A Lot We Should Tell You

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Shota was decently sure he only had two sons. 

Emphasis on the decently part, as it seemed he had unknowingly acquired a daughter. 

Toga had come clean to them about everything. About her family, her past and her status as a missing person. There wasn't much the couple could do to help her with that, heroes didn't have authority over things like that, but they did get in contact with Miki's social worker Hana to talk to her about their options.

In the meantime she had been staying with them, sleeping in Miki's room and wearing Hitoshi's extra clothes. 

The hardest part of this had been sneaking her into U.A's new dorm system. There were cameras active 24 hours in common spaces. Hitoshi was going to live on his own in the gen studies dorm, but both Miki and Himiko were living in the teacher's dorm. 

They had gotten a larger space since they were the only teachers with kids, so at least Miki had his own bedroom, but still. Their living situation had gone from a spacious apartment that they owned to living on site at their jobs. It also meant they were basically on call 24/7 for all of their students. 

So yeah, they weren't coping well with the stress. But the meeting Shota and Hizashi had to attend today was going to be a whole other world of heavy. 

They were going to speak with Nezu and Uraraka's father about the training camp. 

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"This is no longer a issue U.A can allow to continue." Nezu said, rearranging the papers on the table. 

Shota and Hizashi were sat on one long side of a conference table with Nezu and Uraraka's father on the other. The atmosphere was tense, as it should be. 

"We are in the midst of the biggest scandal and crisis U.A has ever faced as an establishment." The principal continued, "If a detail like this came out, it might be the nail in the coffin.".

"To explain the full extent of the incident to you, Mr. Uraraka, I will recount the events." Nezu said, turning to face the man. "That night a hero student Midoriya Izuku texted his friend, Kozume Miki that he thought there was a wildfire. Miki thought nothing of it at the time but not long after Midoriya sent his location to Miki, which for them is code for some sort of danger. Kozume and Mr. Yamada, who is U.A staff and a pro hero, drove to the location and Kozume ran off to save his friend. I will admit it was not a wise choice to bring Kozume along. After that Kozume met up with your daughter and her classmate Asui Tsuyu. They were fighting off an alleged L.O.V member. Kozume defended the league member to them and instead of handling it with the grace and understanding that is expected of a U.A student, you daughter knocked the alleged villain out, said some very hurtful words to Kozume and left him in a dangerous area alone.".

It seemed Uraraka's father had already prepared a response as he seemed to be champing at the bit to speak. 

"So you're faulting my daughter for defending herself and her classmate against villains?" He challenged. Nezu seemed annoyed at that. 

"No, I'm here to discuss your daughter's punishment for leaving a child in an burning forest with an unconscious person's body preventing them from just running from the flames. This is against U.A rules. Those rules your daughter agreed to apply even in circumstances like these, in fact they are more important in dangerous situations." Nezu said calmly. 

Mr. Uraraka scoffed and turned to Hizashi and Shoto with an incredulous expression. "This is ridiculous, and I'm sure you two understand that. Someone needs to explain to your foster kid that if you act like a villain you get treated like one, and I think it should be one of you. My daughter is a competent hero student, this 'child' is actually just a criminal who wanted to stand up for a murderer and a league member.". 

Shota glared at the man but Hizashi put a hand on his thigh to keep him from standing up and doing something he'd regret. Although, if Hizashi could punch the man across from him right now, he would. 

"With all due respect, Mr. Uraraka, my son Miki has not had any previous criminal charges pressed, and there certainly aren't any active ones now. He was there because he was compelled to help his friends, not because he was there to side with a member of a criminal organization.".

 The man just rolled his eyes. "I understand the kid has a sob story, but that doesn't excuse his out of line behavior." He said, glaring at the couple. "Why persecute my daughter over this? Aren't the tuition fees I'm paying more than enough for you to understand that kids fight sometimes?". 

Nezu shook his head. "The problem here has nothing to do with personal slights or Uraraka's tuition and has everything to do with the very unheroic manner in which she handled the situation. Objectively, although he shouldn't have been there, Kozume did nothing wrong. He wasn't even aware the girl he was conversing with was a supposed league member before that exact moment. I am not in any way blaming your daughter for defending herself against the alleged villain, that was perfectly justified, but leaving Kozume, who is younger than your daughter and not in any way close in skill level as a hero student, alone in a burning forest.". 

Uraraka's father seemed to stop after that. He grumbled something under his breath. "Nothing even came of it, everyone ended up fine anyways. This didn't have anything to do with the kidnapping other than happening on the same day.". 

"Actually," Shota said through gritted teeth, "Miki's ankle was broken when he finally made his way to the base camp. He also had heat exhaustion from spending so long in a high temperature forest fire. So yes, something did come of it.". 

Nezu recognized that Hizashi and Shota were about to lose their shit if this went on any longer and decided to stop the chit chat. 

"Anyways," The principal began with, "As a school we are dealing with a lot right now, so the current punishment for disregarding U.A guidelines will be suspension from class for one week and removal from the provincial licensing exam roster. Uraraka will have to wait until next year.".   

Unfortunately, the chit chat didn't stop, as that was when Uraraka's dad started really shouting. 

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The whole family was exhausted by the time they sat down to eat dinner. Himiko and Miki had made some stew that afternoon while they unpacked boxes of furniture and photos. 

"I'm glad I wont be bored, cooped up in here by myself all day." Miki said nonchalantly. Himiko nodded, smiling. 

"What do you mean 'all day'?" Hizashi asked, putting his spoon down. Miki raised an eyebrow. 

"I mean the fact I have nothing else to do during the day while you're at work and Hitoshi is at school." He replied, eyeing his parents suspiciously. 

Hizashi furrowed his brows. 

"But you start school in two days?" He said, genuinely confused. Miki's eyebrows shot up in shock and his eyes widened. 

"Sho!" Hizashi said incredulously, "You didn't tell him?!". Shota choked on his water.

"I thought you did! I bought his uniform and school supplies, so I thought telling him was your job!" He argued back in his normal grumpy fashion. 

Miki just sat there in shock. He hadn't been to school since he was like-12 or 13. 

He was kinda screwed. 


Welcome to part 1 one the double update!!!

Why are you getting 2 chapters today, you might ask? 

Because its my birthday!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I've survived yet another year on earth! Although if you're reading this we all did, but you have to admit that given your odds surviving this year was a lot harder than surviving others. At least where I am. 

Stay tuned and make sure to vote on the poll in the next chapter! 

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