37: Unforgivable

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"I don't know, run around in a circle.". 

The student did so without question as the audience 'ooh'ed and 'ahh'ed. Miki felt a little proud that he was entertaining people. For the first time having everyone's attention on him felt...fine. It wasn't the worst feeling ever. 

His recovery from the previous day's incident had been quick and Hizashi had deemed him well enough to perform in his class's magic show the that morning. He was currently in the middle of his act, and waiting for his 'assistant' Tanaka, the class representative, to introduce the next segment. 

"Is there a member of the audience that wants to come up to test our hypnotists abilities?" Tanaka announced, looking out into the faces of the crowd. 

Miki commanded the third middle schooler on stage, who was their first victim, to stop spinning and tap his foot to a beat while they waited for someone to volunteer. Miki looked out onto the crowd, finally having the time to look for his family. 

They weren't hard to spot. Second row, dead center. Hitoshi was trying to force Himiko's raised hand down so she couldn't be picked. Miki couldn't help but smile. Yeah, Himiko was not the type of person who should be allowed on a stage. 

His eyes traveled up and down the rows as Tanaka pretended to think long and hard about who he was going to pick. Knowing the class representative, he already had someone in mind. So Miki just let his eyes wander for a few seconds, the sound of the foot tapping fading into the background. 

And that's when he saw it. 

A flicker of pink hair. 

It disappeared as quickly as he'd seen it, almost as if someone ducked under the crowd. Miki was confused, but had his attention pulled back to the performance when a high schooler walked on stage, clearly Tanaka's selection. 

"What should my next trick be?" Miki wondered aloud into his microphone. He approached a little girl in the first row, her eyes full of stars, and asked the question again, this time directly to her. 

"Dancing!" The girl giggled, and Miki obliged with his next command. 

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The curtains closed and class 3-C rose from their bowing position to do one big group hug. Anyone who says doing something like the cultural festival did nothing to help people bond was full of it. Miki didn't think he'd ever been this close to everyone in his class before in his entire life. Excluding Hano, of course. She was still avoiding him. 

As they started clearing things off the stage, Miki's mind wandered back to that flash of pink. Lots of people had pink hair, it wasn't like it was unheard of, he just didn't see any people with his exact hair colour. Even Mina's hair was different. 

A sudden feeling of dread filled his chest and Miki couldn't quite figure out why. Everything had gone well, what was there to worry about. 

His question was quickly answered though when he walked back into the gym to start folding chairs up and came face to face with the person he wanted to see least in this world. His mother. 

"Miki-" Her voice was hoarse, maybe emotional. It sounded so far away to Miki. Like an echo. A memory. "You're so tall now.". 

The middle schooler froze up. There was no one else in the whole gym besides them and whoever was standing next to her. The man was presumably her husband who kept trying to take him away from his dads and force him to be around his mother who actually isn't supposed to visit or reach out to him at all, ever. 

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