Chapter 6 - The Old VS The New

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Kagami, Kuroko, Hinata, and Kageyama are all in a park in Miyagi and are standing on a Basketball court. Kuroko and Kagami are standing next to each other and Hinata and Kageyama are standing opposite them.

No One's POV

"Light?" Asks Kageyama, with a dumb expression, his head tilting slightly to the side.

"What?!" Kagami exclaims, his mouth hanging open.

"Yup!" Says Hinata, looking smug, "and Kageyama to answer your question, a light is basically the player Kuroko, who is the shadow, supports during a basketball game. Kuroko helps 'his light' earn more points by skilfully passing past the opponent to reach 'his light's' hands and eventually, the basket. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow," Hinata continues, looking towards Kagami.

"Oh, I did not think that basketball would be this confusing," Kageyama said, still looking confused.

"Hah, I doubt you would be able to beat me though!" Kagami says, with a smirk, while looking at Hinata.

"Actually, he probably can," Kuroko says, "I mean, he's beaten everyone in the Generation of Miracles at least once."

*Kagami has a surprised look on his face that quickly turned into a smirk*

"Now there is more reason I want to play this guy," Kagami continues; "let's do a one on one."

"Gladly," Hinata replies, "first to ten points win."

(I do not know most of the rules in basketball so if I do something wrong, sorry)

Kuroko throws up the ball and the game starts. Kagami gets the first touch of the ball and brings it back to him, he is now facing Hinata in a tense one-on-one.

Kagami's POV

It has only been like a second in the game and this tiny tangerine is already making the game seem so tense. Oh well, too bad I'll crush him in one shot. I throw the ball into the air like a three-pointer and start running towards the basket to do an alley-oop.

End of Kagami's POV

No One's POV


"Oh and by the way, do not expect me to go easy on you..." Hinata says as he easily catches the ball that Kagami carelessly threw above him.

Hinata starts dribbling the ball towards the opposite side of the court and dunks the ball.

"That is one point for Hinata. The score is now 1-0." Kuroko says, turning towards Kagami and giving him a look that says, 'I told you so'.

Kagami's POV

Amazing... he just ran from one side of the court to the other in less than a second. I might actually have some trouble with this shrimp after all.

End of Kagami's POV

No One's POV

The game continues and the same thing happens over and over. Kuroko was starting to think that Kagami has no idea that his strategy would not work on Hinata, in fact, no strategy could be used on a one on one with Hinata. Kageyama was just staring in awe.

The game ended in just 11 minutes, 10-3, Hinata's way.

End of No One's POV

Kagami's POV

I got completely crushed. So, this is Kuroko's first light...

End of Kagami's POV

Kageyama's POV

Woah... That was so cool... How did Hinata manage to beat him?! He looked a whole lot more experienced than him, but I guess underestimating him in basketball was stupid of me.

End of Kageyama's POV

Kuroko's POV

Well, that ended quickly. It wasn't unexpected though. Hinata has surprisingly improved since the last time I saw him play. I think training at Karasuno really had an impact on him.

End of Kuroko's POV

Hinata's POV

That was a walk in a park. Kagami doesn't seem to be that bad at basketball, but he could improve. Maybe I'll teach him some things...

End of Hinata's POV

No One's POV

"Oiii can I have your attention?" Hinata says, motioning to Kagami, Kuroko and Kageyama.

*Kagami, Kuroko and Kageyama all walk over to Hinata.*

"Ah okay, so I know you guys probably have a lot of questions for me but unfortunately, I cannot answer them. Anything I have said and done this afternoon will stay a secret. Understood?" Hinata says, with a threatening tone.

"Y-yes sir" Kagami and Kageyama reply (they are so out of character here sorry).

"Sir?" Hinata asks, laughing along with Kuroko, "Do I really look that threatening?"

End of No One's POV


Word Count: 687

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