Zoo Escapade

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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

Kraven charges towards me with his spear pointed at my stomach.

Kraven: Bring it on Spider-Man!

I leap over his initial stab. He then points the spear upwards. The tip of the spear barely scrapes my stomach.

Kraven: As to be expected from you Spider-Man!

Y/N: Oh yeah?

I cloak right in front of him as soon as I land. I move to get behind him purposely stepping in a puddle to give away my position.

This could be a little risky but you know what they say. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Kraven whips around and grabs me by the throat. Good.

Kraven: Again spider?

He slams me into the ground. He raises his spear and stabs downwards towards my throat.

Y/N: Yuh-oh!

I quickly push the blade away from its target. I then fire a web onto his chin before yanking him down towards me.

Y/N: Don't worry Kraven!

I punch him in the mouth staggering him. I use the opportunity to bring my knees to my chest before kicking his chin. The force is enough to take him off of solid ground for a second.

Y/N: Ya might get dental in prison.

I flip onto my feet as Kraven gets back up. He spits out some teeth before wiping blood off of his mouth.

Kraven: This...this is everything I dreamed of in a hunt! Thank you Spider-Man!

Y/N: Can you not thank me while we fight? It's kinda unsettling.

I fire a web onto a sewer cover nearby. I then spin it around before launching it at Kraven.

He ducks under it before charging towards me. This time instead of going for a stab he throws the spear at me.

Y/N: Yikes!

I duck under it before turning around and webbing it against a wall to keep him from using it any further.

Y/N: Say I'm not much of a sports guy Kraven.

I run towards him before firing two webs onto his hands. He then pulls me in before pulling out a knife.

While I get pulled in I jump a little bit and raise my legs into a drop kick. I end up slamming into his shoulders knocking him backwards.

Y/N: Couldn't you have gone to the olympics? Specifically the javelin events?

Kraven: Interesting switch up Spider-Man.

He gets back onto his feet before charging me wildly.

I take a step back as he starts to let loose a series of slashing attacks.

Kraven: But you lack the experience to defeat me!

I put up my hands to try and block the attacks but end up with a series of deep cuts along my forearms, biceps, triceps and some along my mid section.

Y/N: Awe c'mon man I just sewed this thing!

I step to the side dodging a slash and punch the side of his torso cracking a rib or two in the process.

Kraven: Mph! Not bad!

He grabs hold of my arm and slashes his knife downwards creating a deep gash.

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