3. Dr Dumas

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My mother was one problem, but at least she actually bothered to be there in some form.

My father, on the other hand, was the opposite. I didn't see him a lot when I was young, and now that I'm older, I don't see him at all.

It's funny, my mother always wants to remind me that the situation with my father is somehow so complicated beyond my imagination, yet I see it in a simple light...

He was nothing to me. Simple as. For others, they need their father, for others they can even one day forgive their father. But I don't even care enough for the man to do any of that. He is nothing to me.

No love gained, therefore no love lost, right?

Only reason I was even thinking of the man was because on my the way to the museum there were constant reminders of it soon being Father's Day in every shop window.

I have never gotten him anything, so I mostly probably never will.

Sighing, I look down at my attire, a knitted brown sweater and a black skirt. Simply dressed without any colour, clothing attire my mother would definitely approve.

Rolling my eyes at this thought, I carry on filing all the cases of each of the artefacts coming into the museum.

While at my desk, I see a slightly older gentleman walk up in front of me. Peeking up slowly, he shoots out his hand for me to shake. "Miss Reddy, hi my name is Andreas Dumas. I'm one of your mentor's for the Greek exhibition."

He had black hair styled in a smart way, gelled back and was dressed in a grey suit and a red tie, the splash of colour instantly making me smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Dr Dumas. I have been looking forward to shadowing you. Your excavations in Greece are legendary in the archaeological world."

I was being sincere, especially after researching about him all of last night to ensure I was ready to meet him and hopefully impress him.

He smiled at me, and he began "Miss Reddy your flattery is unnecessary but greatly appreciated," with a wink, and continued "Liz has told me that your other mentors have said you have thrived for your first week and are a natural, I'm also very excited to work with you."

I chuckle slightly, taking note of how good-natured and thoughtful he is, making me feel at ease. No one here has made me feel anything other than calm.

While walking side by side to the exhibit hall, he questions me whether I have any interest in Ancient Greece, which leads to another 'historical tangent.'

After what I assume is a good few minutes of me ranting and questioning his digs and finds, Cassius walks up to both of us, which I was grateful for as he helped put my monologue out of its misery.

Dr Dumas actually hugs him in greeting while I offer a slight nod and a smile. He was wearing a black blazer, black shirt, and trousers. My eyes couldn't help but wander down his figure, but his bright smile was definitely my favourite aspect of him.

While Dr Dumas and Cassius are speaking, he looks at my hands that my sweater had enveloped, my horrible attempt to keep warm failing.

Cassius, with his voice filled with concern, asks "Alettra if you want I could see if the building heaters could be turned up slightly, it wouldn't be a problem?"

I have to bite back a smile at his attentive nature and shake my head, saying I'd manage. I mean, it was summer for God's sake.

Dr Dumas turns to me with a smirk and funnily enough questions the origins of my own name.

"Alettra, that's quite similar to the Greek tragedy Elektra" he notes. I hold back the need to roll my eyes due to the intense irony of this comparison, but just agree with a nod.

If I get one more reminder of fathers, I might go crazy. I mean, Elektra's story is different from mine. I couldn't care less what happens to my father. He could die tomorrow and I most likely won't bat an eyelid...

Perhaps my mother was right about my inability to move past my father's actions, or lack of in his case.

Dr Dumas then excuses himself to take a phone call, leaving me with Cassius, who's still looking at my hands that are fidgeting under my sweater paws in worry.

Before he can say anything, however, a man claps his hand against his shoulder making me jump at the force, though it barely fazes the boulder that is Cassius.

"Yo Cass, you're needed at th- oh well hello there gorgeous," the young man says with a smug directed at me. Cassius just rolls his eyes and tells me that if by Liz's measurement that he was a flirt, his friend was the king of all flirts.

His tall dark-skinned friend flashes me a smile and introduces himself. "Hi my name is Ronnie, I'm part of the security team for this area of the museum."

I replied, "Nice to meet you, my name is Alettra."

For a moment a look of recognition passes his face, and he quickly turns to Cassius and smirks, but Cassius' hardened scowl makes Ronnie fight back his smile.

Ronnie mutters something under his breath, causing Cassius to jab his side with his sharp elbow, making me chuckle. Cassius' eyes turn to me and soften, making me look down out of embarrassment. My laugh is quite weird.

Ronnie then finally gives Cassius the original message that he's needed elsewhere.

Cassius and Ronnie leave and I can see Ronnie chuckling hard, with Cassius shoving him with a glare. But in sweet Cassius fashion, he sends me a quick smile before he's out of sight, while Ronnie shouts "Bye pretty girl."

I wonder what that was about, but though the two are co-workers I can't help but admire their obvious friendship.

While deep in my thoughts, Liz jabs a finger into my ribs, making me jump. While stifling a laugh, she justifies her actions due to the fact she had been trying to get my attention for a good minute.

Well, that's not embarrassing at all.

She then teases me further about the imaginary drool coming from my mouth while laughing. At least I hope it's imaginary.

I work with Liz and Dr Dumas for a good 2 hours figuring out the layout and plans for the show. Liz informs me that due to the exhibit showcasing an amazing find from Dr Dumas last dig there's going to be a massive unveiling party to celebrate the day before.

Her compliments to Dr Dumas bring a slight blush to his cheeks as he merely shrugs at the comments in a modest fashion.

As we pack up to leave Liz and I converse causally, she then assures me that the event is not a party per se but an extremely professional gala in hopes of easing my fears. Yet this just makes it worse.

But as a professional employee, as much as I don't want to go, I have to suck it up and play the role accordingly for that night.

As Liz rambles about the cocktail dress she is planning on wearing, I can't help but let my mind shoot to my figure and worry.

I turn to Liz and ask, "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know any good gyms around would you? I have been planning to join one for a while."

She ponders the question for a while before smiling and writing the name and directions back on a post-it for me. She turns to leave before giving me a wink with a farewell to "Have fun."

Frowning, I nod, thinking who on Earth can ever have fun at a gym?▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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