4. Hugs Needed

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People often mistake decency with kindness, especially in today's world where the bare minimum gets rewarded.

I don't hate people, something many don't expect from me. I aim to be civil with everyone, even with my mother and family. Once a person has upset me in some way, I just disregard them and move past it.

I can understand how this can be a good thing and also a bad thing but it's worked fine for me, but if inter-reaction is needed, I'm civil. Maybe because conflict actually scares me.

My mother and father would have their occasional fights and would love to raise their voices. Their screaming match would go on for hours, but my sisters and I would just put on a film or distract each other with games in a grimace.

The screaming I could handle, but once it was over, one parent would slam the door to signal the end of the fight.


It still sends a joint of fear to go through my spine, immobilizing me. The fear that due to their anger, my mother or my father might not ever come back. Even though those fears are those from a younger, more naïve me, a door being slammed still makes me flinch and lose my breath momentarily.

Cassius starts to walk past me while talking with a Board Member of the museum by his side with a glare but offers me a smile to which I instantly mirror back, something we do a lot as we don't get to talk much at work.

However, before they can fully get past me the Board Member turns to me and looks me up and down.

I frown in annoyance. My museum identification badge was sitting clearly in front of me, as it felt like a leer.

Cassius notices my discomfort and steps slightly in between and tries to swiftly introduce us.

The Board Member, whose name was Charlie Morgan, then finally gave me a somewhat decent smile and shook my hand.

Before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist, making me stop and glare at his hand. Before Cassius gets a chance to move, Charlie removes his hand with a gentle apology and says that he needed to ask me something.

Weirdly, I find myself looking at Cassius, not in need of help but just so I can understand this man's character. But with his jaw clenched and eyes hardened, I can take my guess that Charlie was definitely not the lovely man he was trying to portray to be, though he was failing miserably.

I give a nod wondering if the question was about work... I was sadly mistaken.

"So, Alettra Reddy, that doesn't sound English nor European?", he asks nonchalantly... Ok then, it's not like my skin tone and facial features didn't already highlight this fact.

But nonetheless I politely reply "No Sir, I was born here, but I'm Indian." Attempting another chance to leave, he of course stops me again.

"Oh I've watched Slumdog Millionaire, India seems like a nice place." I dig my fist into my palms and grimace a smile.

One I have never even been to India and two one film can't accurately showcase the lives of a country of 1.3 billion people.

Just when it can't get any worse, he follows with another question, "So, can you speak Indian?" Really. This guy had to be well educated to be in this position. He may have been in his early 30s also but still asked this question with a straight face.

"Mr Morgan, there's no language called Indian, and India has many states and around over 100 different languages and cultures that are more different from the next, cultures that can't get summed up in one movie."

His face goes red and Cassius stifles a laugh.

Before he can get his next word in with his accusatory finger ready, Cassius jumps in. "Alettra, now would be a good time for me to show you where the surveillance rooms are, right?, Dr Dumas told me you haven't been brought there before."

With a quick nod, I bid Mr Morgan goodbye and walked side by side with Cassius, glad for his assistance in my escape.

As he leaves Cassius chuckles, making me frown at him. "Sorry, I just can't help thinking about how red he got. He deserved it!" I try to keep my face neutral but fail due to his laughter and join him.

He then tells me how it's been a long time coming for someone to do that to Mr Morgan, as he was the typical guy who only landed the job because of his rich father, making me roll my eyes.

After laughing for a while, I finish and wipe a tear from my eye, and look up. To find Cassius looking at me with amusement in his eyes. I straighten up and say a quick goodbye and return to my station.

I really hope my laugh wasn't that loud.

Throughout the week I see Mr Morgan quite sporadically. He asks quite a few questions about India and I relent as it's better to educate the ignorant than allow them to continue.

He also asked me out twice, surprising me.

I obviously turned him down, especially when he said we could even go to an Indian restaurant... I mean come on, really.

While walking to the Dr Dumas' office, I see Cassius on the phone looking... Sad.

It shocked me. I had never seen him look like that. It was heartbreaking. His vivid blue eyes glazed over and shoulders hunched over. He leaned against the wall, eyes clenched closed. He looked in pain as he hung up the phone.

I would walk away and let him have a moment to compose himself, but it physically hurt to look away. I walk up to him and call his name softly.

He looks up at me, and straightens himself upwards and gives me a quick glance before quickly wiping his eyes. Without thinking, I grab his hands and ask if I could give him a hug.

He nods hesitantly.

I quickly wrap my arms around him and he buries his head in my shoulder. The way he holds me as if I was a last lifeline upsets me. After a while, he pulls away and I reluctantly follow. He looks down with a slight frown and apologises. I tell him there's nothing to say sorry for and then I embarrass myself, of course.

"I kinda needed a hug from you today as well." Realising what I said, I backtrack quickly, "I mean a hug in general."

But the smirk on his face makes me smile. He teases that his arms are made for hugging, anyway. Though laughing, I can't help but agree. Even though it doesn't seem like he gets enough hugs. He's the type to be ready for those who need him in a heartbeat, but due to his intimidating presence, many overlook his need to be comforted.

My mother used to do the same with my sisters and I. My sisters were hugged and coddled a lot if they ever had a problem, whereas I was told to suck it up. My mother said that tough love worked better for me as I was tougher, but in reality she never even attempted just giving me a hug.

Sometimes even the toughest people need a hug, especially if they don't think they deserve it.


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