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OCTOBER 31ST, 1981

It's Halloween, nineteen eighty-one

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It's Halloween, nineteen eighty-one. Camilla is lying in bed with Mary as they both attempt to fall asleep. She feels so much peace.

It's been a year since the fight between her and James. In that time they haven't spoken so much. They've been civil at order meetings and when they all get together as a friend group for drinks. He says he's happy for her and Mary but Camilla thinks he's just happy she's finally done with him and he doesn't have to worry about accidentally kissing her or sending the wrong signals. Camilla has a hard time trusting James. They haven't seen each other for a while though. Actually, Camilla hasn't seen many people in a while. Remus and Sirius don't speak because they don't trust each other anymore. Peter is acting strange and Lily and James are in hiding with baby Harry. Marlene is dead.

Camilla can feel herself drifting off to sleep while beside her Mary keeps tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable.

"Camilla?" Mary asks quietly, pulling the woman away from the precipice of dreams.

"Yes, love?" Camilla yawns.

"Something in the universe feels wrong, did you feel that too?"

Now that Mary has mentioned it, Camilla notices it. It starts raining and Camilla can feel her chest drop. She feels sick out of nowhere. Normally, Camilla likes the rain. But now it feels like a bad omen.

There's a knock on their front door. Camilla holds her breath and grabs her wand off their bedside table. Mary jumps up as well and they both approach the door.

"Who is it?" Mary asks loudly so the person on the other side can hear her over the rain.

Camilla opens the door and sees Remus Lupin. He looks shattered like broken glass, even more than usual. This feeling that Camilla has worsens as she makes eye contact with him. All the life is gone from them.

"Remus? Is everything alright?" Camilla asks.

He collapses to his knees and hugs Camilla's legs, sobbing as he does so.

"They're dead," he shouts. "James and Lily -"

Mary helps Remus inside and shuts the door so he's no longer in the rain. Everyone is in shock and Camilla begins to cry.

"Remus... What about Harry?" Mary asks quietly.

"He survived," Remus sniffles. "Oh, I just can't believe this is real. This can't be happening. Why, God, why?" He's fully on the ground now, crying at Camilla's feet.

James Potter is dead. The man Camilla swore she loved is dead. She feels incomplete. He taught her how to love. How to love the world, how to love others, and how to love herself.

Camilla fears she will never recover from James' death. Remus disappears shortly after, Sirius goes to prison, and Peter is murdered.

She decides to leave as well. She and Mary find a cottage by a lake and decide to leave magic behind as best they can.

Nothing will ever be the same for Camilla.

She'll never celebrate another birthday.

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