Chapter 16

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~ 3 months later ~


Over the past 3 months have been amazing. Jess and I have gotten pretty close and I'm falling, fast and hard. The thought that something might happen that will ruin us has been nagging me at the back of my head. I take a deep breath and shake my head clearing my thoughts.

My Emily has been so happy. Not that she wasn't when it was just us and Jayla but having her dad here she seems more carefree and happier.

I'm just sit ting here in the bean bag chair across from them just watching the beautiful view in front of me. They're sat on the floor and he's playing dolls with her. Bright smiles on their faces and laughter can be heard a few times. I smile at them feeling content I just hope this lasts.


I can see her watching us. She has a beautiful smile that I just love so much on her pretty face. A few months ago if you told me that I would be here with the woman of my dreams and a wonderful daughter, I would have laughed in your face and told you to check yourself into a mental hospital. That sounds absolutely ludacris.

I continued to play dolls with Em (Emily) then when she wasn't looking at me I started to tickle her. She began to giggle uncontrollable and hearing her joyous sound I chuckled. I could also hear Crystal low laughing while she watches us. I'm not sure what she finds so amusing but I guess I couldn't say anything, I would be a hypocrite, since I often watch her, I watch how much of a good mother she is, and how I can see the love she has for Emily displayed heavily on her face and her eyes gleam with adoration when she looks at her. It's a sight to see.

"Shall we go get ice cream?" I asked them already knowing Emily would agree. She looks at Em before she speaks," Hmmm, sure," She says smiling at Emily. " Not too much toppings though," She says directed at Emily. " I don't want my baby to get a bad tooth or a bellyache," She continues, trying to give Emily a stern-ish look but fails.

"What would you like baby girl?" I ask Em as we stand at the counter in front of the seemingly teenage girl that works at the store. " Strawberry," she answers in her cute little soft voice. " What would you like babe?" I ask turning my head to Crystal. " ummmm... I would like a chocolate pistachio please," she tells the young girl. And the girl nods. " I would like a Vanilla, thanks," I tell the girl at the counter. She nods as she scopes our ice cream. She starts with Emily's then she does Crystal's own and then finally mine. " Thank you," All three of us collectively tells the girl.

After we ate our ice cream we went on a short walk then headed straight home. Emily was tired and as a result I carried her. After a while she eventfully fell asleep in my arms.

Once we got home, well crystal's house, I've been staying over often, I put Emily to lay in her bed then I went to Crystal's room. I opened the door and saw her laying on the bed. I then went over to my side and got in and immediately cuddled her. She smells nice, of Vanilla and citrus. I then pecked her on the lips but as I was pulling away she deepened it and bit my lip.

I groaned in response to the lip biting. She then flipped us over and she was un top of me straddling my lap. She pulled away giving us time to catch our breath.

Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long and that this chapter is a bit too short but I'm back hopefully. Have a wonderful day. I think my writing have gotten better, what do you think?

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