"And you better cut them bitches off "

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As I was driving to go home from my best friend house, I could feel Tamia staring at me from the passenger seat. I glanced over and she was just smiling at me hard as shit.

"Girlll what are you looking at?" I asked while chuckling a little bit.
"Nothinggg" she responded while blushing & looking away.

I know why she was staring at me tho. I really think I unlocked the crazy in this girl w/this wet shit before we left. Before we got in the car to head home she fucked the shit outta me, I fucked the shit outta her, and then she fucked the shit outta me some more😭. That was our first time fucking as an official couple so I guess we both had something to prove. Mainly her, cause she said she wanted to show me "why I didn't need no other bitches." I put this pussy on her fr tho. Since she was my gf now, I didn't hold back shit. I let her do whatever tf she wanted to me. Yes yall, I let her slut me out fr this time. This wasn't shit like the time we fucked at Wildwood and she showed me just how dominant she could be fr. She just kept saying the whole time "Yo, you're so fucking wet" (which just made me fucking wetter) "damn you got it like that" "you been holding out on me." But shit I was. I couldn't just have these bitches out here having the satisfaction of saying they had me folded like a pretzel. When we were done she told me, she "couldn't have mfs out here tasting this pussy nomore." But yall the thing is, I know I said I think I unlocked the crazy in her, but shit its really her that unlocked the crazy in me. After she told me how she felt about me, she sealed the deal with the way she fucked me. That's so crazy how I was playfully clowning her for falling for me after she just wanted to be a lil link, but damn now she had me the same way🤦🏾‍♀️. I aint NEVER and I mean NEVER have no bitch fuck me how Tamia be fucking me. Definitely had to clamp that. Aint no bitch getting that tongue nomo 🤷🏾‍♀️ & vice versa. We went from being each others "Lil Links" to "Lil Yeahs" just like that.

I pulled up to my house & nobody was outside, which was good. We wasn't trying to go public yet.
"So what now?" Tamia asked me when I finished parallel parking in front of my house
"You mine now. That's what" I responded while biting my lips.
"Girll. DO NOT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT" she said while clapping her thigh with her hand, before blushing & looking away again.
"Look at me" I said seductively before grabbing her face & turning it to me to put my tongue in her mouth. 
"Fuck" she said while pulling away after we finished kissing. "I gotta get out this car. You making me wanna fuck, and I gotta go get my son." she said while getting out the car.
As she was about to shut the door, I said "Let's get a bnb for the weekend, next week. Me, you & Mon." I looked her up & down, licked my lips and said "I could make it a 2 bedroom."
She laughed & said bet. She closed the door, then motioned for me to roll the window down. I did.
She bent down so her face was a little through the window and said "And you better cut them bitches off too. Let them fucking know you taken."
"They was cut when you called me from the club drunk, ma" I said in a tone, that I just knew was gone make her wet.
"Oh I see Imma have to keep my eye on you fr. You a slick one" she said while laughing. She walked over to my side of the car, leaned in the window a little and said "Gimme kiss daddy" then gave me a kiss that made ME wet. When we finished kissing I looked over to her house and saw her little sister Nimah coming out. "Tamia" i said while nodding towards her house.
"She knows" Tamia said while laughing.
"She knows? Wym she knows?" I asked a little uneasy.
"Yup, she suspected, cause apparently we were "obvious" she said while doing finger air quotes. "Then..." she continued "when you pulled up with yo lil bitch, I was mad af and she saw it all over my face."
"Aww damn" I said before asking "so what? She cool?"
"Hell yeah" Tamia said. "That's my baby. She with whatever."


I was walking out the store from getting backwoodz & a Big Burst for my Goddaughter cause she was coming over tomorrow (and she loved those shits), when Nimah walked in.
She was lowkey mugging me & I asked "What you gotta do all that for?"
"Cause I just don't understand" she said with a lil more hurt in her voice than madness.
"Understand what?" I asked a little confused.
"How Tamia the first person you start talking to." she answered.
"Explain" I said, still confused. "Come to my car, cause these mfs nosy" I said after seeing ppl in the store staring at us.
We got in & i rolled the windows down a little less than halfway, so if Tamia walked up she wouldn't think it was nun funny going on.
"I don't understand how you just forgot about me Erica. When whenever tf unnecessary shit happened with your fam and mine, you just forgot about me. Out of everybody, you & me were the closest and you just said fuck me. You called me your play daughter but then just abandoned me. That hurt"
"I never knew you felt like this. Why didn't you tell me?" I asked
"I was just a kid, and you just stopped talking to me. I didn't think you cared about me anymore. I was scared to say anything to you, once everybody stopped speaking."
"I'm sorry Ni. You could've came to me. I would've never said anything mean to you or to make you feel like you couldn't continue speaking to me. You still can. I just figured ya know your sisters wasn't speaking to me anymore so you didn't want to either. I never stopped caring about you. I really did look at you like my play daughter. I even still do. I'm sorry I made you feel that way Ni. I really am."
I saw a couple tears fall from her eyes, and I reassured her that I would be back around now and she could come talk to me about anything or ask for anything if she needed me.
"Sooo, since I'm a lil older now and like too grown for the daughter thing , can we update my status to lil sis?" She asked excitedly. First of all, ya not grown" I said laughing. "But sure. Anything for you love" i finished.
"I'm about to be 16, same thing", she said rolling her eyes.
"Lets make a promise. No matter what happens w/you & Mii, we don't ever stop speaking again." She said
"Promise." I said while smiling & reaching my pinky out to meet hers.
"We can work on a handshake later." She said smiling.
I gave her a $100 bill & told her to get whatever she was buying, on me and to keep the change.

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