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⨽Keeping Up With The Avengers⨼

old man🏹, mr rich💰, spider-boy🕷, 12 minutes younger🌹, scary🔫🔪, dorito🛡️, cyborg🦾, birdie🦆, microwave🤖, ant🐜, shrek🐸, goldilocks🔨

12 minutes younger🌹

you know who i miss


oh yeah
she hasn't been on in weeks

mr rich💰

wonder if she got all those levels by not being on for weeks


are you seriously still mad about that

mr rich💰


12 minutes younger🌹

he is

mr rich💰

mind reader

12 minutes younger🌹


old man🏹

i wonder if she died


hopefully not
she's nice


someone has a crushhhhhhhhhhhh


i do not
i've played video games with her a few times and that's all


then what was "my bitch" all about

old man🏹

yeah that was hella awkward

mr rich💰

why'd you call her your bitch?


she called herself that first
my bitch


and when you called her princessa?

12 minutes younger🌹

i think you have a crush on her


i dont even know her

quicksilversbitch is online!

quicksilverbitch has joined the waiting room.

quicksilversbitch has joined the waiting room.

Pietro: y/n!

xwidowx has joined the waiting room.

idontmiss has joined the waiting room.

icanbuyyou has joined the waiting room.

thisiscap has joined the waiting room.

coldmetal has joined the waiting room.

quicksilversbitch: oh hey everyone

crimsonsorceress has joined the waiting room.

vision has joined the waiting room.

thunderbolt has joined the waiting room.

quicksilversbitch: oh everyone's coming ig

peterparkour has joined the waiting room.

greenbean has joined the waiting room.

theefalcon has joined the waiting room.

peterparkour: y/n!! welcome back!

crimsonsorceress: we missed you!

theefalcon: yeah where did you go?

quicksilversbitch: my power died a couple of weeks ago

icanbuyyou: is it back on now?

quicksilversbitch: nah i'm at a friend's place rn

quicksilversbitch: they said i could use their computer to play the game and let you guys know that im not dead

icanbuyyou: why isn't your power back on?

quicksilversbitch: honestly idk

quicksilversbitch: my parents pay the bills and shit on time but apparently no one will come and look at it

icanbuyyou: hold on

icanbuyyou: i can probably pay to fix it for you

icanbuyyou: *phone number*

icanbuyyou: text me

quicksilversbitch: okay

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