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quicksilverbitch: where did u two go?

!new message from my bitch💙!

my bitch💙

my bitch💙

i need to talk to you



my bitch💙

about us

His heart stops dead in his chest. He considers putting his phone in the blender, or throwing it off the roof, but...

Y/n is his weakness.



my bitch💙

i don't know how to say this properly, but i'm sorry

Sorry for what? he almost types. Why should she be apologising? It was as much fault his as it was hers - they didn't go with one another, no matter how much they felt perfect together. No matter how much Pietro loved her, no matter the things he would do for her, lines he would cross for her, laws he would break over and over for her.

my bitch💙

you were right, i do need to take the necessary precautions


i don't want to make you feel caged at all

It's true. Pietro knows what it's like to be caged - to have your every move controlled, to be stuck somewhere you don't want to be. He doesn't want to do that to Y/n. Not now, not ever.

my bitch💙

you don't, pietro
you never have and I shouldn't have said that


I don't want to give you any extra paranoia

my bitch💙

it's worth it pietro
you're worth it


i don't want to do that to you
i love you and you deserve to be free

my bitch💙

you make me feel free pietro
you make me feel so many things i can't even put into words
i understand the risks and necessities, and i'm prepared to do it all for you

How does he even respond to that? How does he tell her that he'd do the same for her? That he'd sacrifice his own happiness for her, that he'd sacrifice his freedom?


i love you

Well. That's one way, he supposed.

my bitch💙

i love you too pietro


can I come over and we can figure everything out?

my bitch💙

of course

i'm done with the angst it was making me sad

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