Chapter 10

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[Y/n pov]

My eyes open wide open and I'm staring at the sky. Where am I? I quickly get up and look around. I'm in a forest. As I look around I heard footsteps.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out

No one replied

Where the hell am I? This better not be a prank. I hear another footstep so I follow the sound. I keep hearing it.

"I know someone is there just come out stop hiding" still nothing came out

Someone is out here hiding and they know im out here. I walk around and this forest looks familiar. This forest is in the Dream SMP I know it.

"Y/n?" I see dream and his mask looks cracked

"Dream? What the hell is this and why arent you in the prison?"

"Y/n please turn the other way" he sounded serious

"No what are you doing here?"

"I love you y/n but please just listen to me" I see a tear drop fall to the ground

He's crying? Did he just say I love you? What the fuck is happening?

Suddenly I start hearing more feet steps.


"Who wants me?" I looked up and see a giant figure that looks like it could be a god.

"Oh fuck"

"Finally y/n I got you here" the figure spoke

"Who are you?"

"I'm DreamXD of course" they chuckled

They have dream's name in theirs. They are probably dream's sibling sum related to dream.

"I dont know who you are and I dont want to know so uh leave me the fuck alone and also dream" I smiled at them

I hear dream chuckle in the back. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Y/n you wont get away this easy now stop acting like you dont know me you need to finish our deal"

"What deal?"

"Our deal that I break dream out of prison"

I dont know who this "DreamXD" person is. This is the first time I ever met this person and now I have some "deal" with them.

"We had a deal? I havent even met you before"

Suddenly everything went pitch black. I open my eyes and it's my room again. It was just a fucking dream. But it didn't feel like one. I need to go to the prison asap.

I rushed and hurried getting ready. I skipped breakfast like always and ran to the prison. WHY THE FUCK IS THIS PRISON SO GODDAMN FAR?

"Sam I need to see dream NOW!"

"Woah woah woah what's with the rush y/n?" He chuckled

"I need to ask him something so please just let me see him"

"Fine fine let's go"

We go through the whole procedure and finally get to the platform. I get on and I just realized this thing is so damn slow.

"DREAM" I shouted and realized he is asleep

I'm suprised he didnt wake up to me yelling his name. He looked peaceful asleep not even knowing what he looked like without that mask. What if I took the mask off? No no y/n that's rude and you need him to trust you.

"Dream wake up" I tapped his shoulder

"Mmh what?" He looked half asleep

"We need to talk"

I think by now he realizes who was speaking. Wait can he see through that mask?


He in shock I came this early I guess

"I'm here early" I chuckled

" never come this early I'm usually awake when you come to visit so what's the problem?"

I should start coming this early then so he doesn't have to assume there is a problem.

"I had a dream and some person name DreamXD was in it. Do you know who that is because they have dream in their name so I'm just assuming-"

"How do you know about DreamXD?" He jumped up from the floor

"I dont know they just popped up in my dream"

"Are you sure y/n? You must have met DreamXD before dont lie to me" his voice started getting deeper and anger for some reason I dont know of


Why am I shouting at him?

"I- I'm so sorry for shouting I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologizing so quickly I didnt even have a chance to speak" he sounded worried

"I dont know but I think I have to go to the place I saw DreamXD at. It's a forest near erets castle"

"Was anyone else in that dream?"

Why would he want to know that huh?

"No one besides DreamXD that's all" I smiled at him

"I dont want you going to that forest by yourself I dont care if you say you can protect yourself, have someone go with you"

"I'll have someone go with me dont worry, but now I have to go" I chuckled

I started walking away then I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned around and dream was there.

"Be safe y/n"

I smiled at him and got onto the platform.

"I will be safe just for you"

I left the prison and started heading to the forest. I wasnt gonna ask someone to go to a forest with me to see something that might not even be there. He was probably being over dramatic like he always is.

I entered the forest and it felt like I was in a horror movie. Funny I hope I get kidnapped by some hot crazy murder psychopath. Just kidding well maybe half kidding.

I finally reached the spot I woke up at in my dream. It was exactly how it was in my dream.

"Hellooooo anyone hereeeeee" I joked around

I must have been here before to remember it and that DreamXD wont be here right now. It's a pretty cool place too. I wonder if anyone has- nope nope not gonna think that.

Is this motherfucker gonna come out or not. I'm wasting my day doing this instead of doing what I need to do. I got to the spot where I saw dream and he told me he "loves" me. It was just a dream so it was probably something I wish he would say to me.

"Welcome back y/n"

I love making excuses for not updating but this time I am actually updating😩Good news quarter 1 for school just ended so im not that stressed anymore and now I have free time to watch streams, write and read books.

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