Chapter 25: Growing Pains

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Just after 3:30pm, there was a timid knock at the door. Snape glanced at the clock, set his papers on the table and slowly rose from his chair, smoothing his hands down his pant legs as he strolled casually to the foyer.

Pausing momentarily to ensure his face was suitably rigid and stern, he opened the door and fixed his eyes on the 11-year-old standing on his front stoop. Without a word, he lifted his left arm and made a rather pointed gesture of rotating his wrist and glancing at his watch.

"You're late, Mr. Owens."

The truth was, Patrick was only four minutes late, but Snape was not about to cut him any slack. He was planning to use his "community service" time with the boy to break him down before he slowly built him back up again. Properly, this time, he hoped. With a modicum of manners and some basic respect.

He gave the boy a disapproving stare before he stepped aside, indicating with a small flick of his head that he should come in. Once Patrick passed the threshold, Snape closed the door firmly and paused purposefully before he continued his lecture.

"I do not take kindly to tardiness. It is arrogant and disrespectful and suggests that your time is more valuable than my own."

Patrick pulled his face into a smug expression. He could feel the annoyance bubbling up inside of him but when it was clear Snape expected a response, he forced out a perfunctory "Sorry."

Clearly, he was not sorry at all.

"I'm sorry, sir ," Snape sneered, waiting for the boy to repeat it.

Patrick stared at him for a good 30 seconds before he realized that Snape would not let him move until he got the response he was looking for. He exhaled loudly before he finally replied, "Sorry sir " in a mocking tone.

Oh, this will be a delight, Snape thought to himself, his lip curling upward for a flash of a second. If Patrick thought for a moment he could get away with a petulant response like that, he was in for a very rude awakening. Game on, you obnoxious little brat.

Snape crossed his arms and gave his most foreboding professor look, with his jaw tightly clenched and his eyes cold and steely. "While you're here, you will address me with proper respect at all times, do you understand?"

"Yeah, OK." Patrick scoffed, and he let his face settle into a smirk while he rolled his eyes. He had promised his mum he would show up and do these hours. He was prepared to do some stupid chores, but who does this bloke think he is?

Snape narrowed his eyes further, holding the boy in place with an icy gaze. He sneered through his teeth. "Try again, Mr. Owens."

Patrick waited to respond until he could see a small vein flickering in the man's left temple. "Yes sir ," he finally said, irritation evident in his voice, defiance written all over his face.

Refusing to lose his cool at this obvious challenge, Snape leaned down and lowered his voice while staring directly into the boy's face. He spoke slowly to emphasize that he was in complete control of his emotions.

"When I say respect, I mean both your words and your attitude. I will not put up with your insolence, so I suggest you mind your tone. Am I clear?"

Patrick wasn't easily intimidated, but Snape was inches from his face and he could practically feel the man's hot breath on his forehead. He tried to hold Snape's unrelenting gaze for as long as he could, but it finally overwhelmed him and he averted his eyes before giving in and mumbling a defeated "Yes, sir."

Satisfied he'd established his authority, Snape returned to his full height. "If you show up late again, there will be unpleasant consequences. In future, it would be in your best interest to arrive on time."

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