Hawk Moth...ByeBye

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Hey guys...I know I said that this story was discontinued...but....let's see how good I remember this story enjoy!!

Princess: Knock, knock, may we come in?

Hawk: What!?! How is this possible.

Chat: Welcome to your doomsday, Hawk Moth.

Princess: And don't think for a second we forgot about you, pretty bird. We'll cut your wings down to size.

Hawk: That's enough. I revoke your akuma.

Mayura: As do I with your amok.

Marinette was turned back into her civilian form and the akuma and the amok were purified. The two villains looked at each other wondering what they should do.

Marinette transformed right in front of them. Ladybug had arrived. Everyone's eyes, of course not the batfamily, were widened. She reached within her yo-yo and drew a familiar hair pin.She tossed it to Tim and he caught it.

Ladybug: You boys get the bird. We'll handle Hawkey.

They nodded in agreement and they were off. Tim transformed and waited for an opening to immobilize her. Ladybug Cat Noir were a bit outmatched but they were going hard and strong.

A while later the boys managed to get Mayura pinned on the ground and Tim got her. Venom! He removed the miraculous to reveal Gabriel's assistant, Natalie. Ladybug was pushed back thanks to Hawk Moth but she landed on her feet.

Batman threw the miraculous over to her and she caught it and placed it into her yo-yo. One down one to go.... They all surrounded the lonesome man until he was cornered.

Ladybug: Give up Hawk Moth, there's no where to run. And you're outnumbered. Choose wisely.

Hawk: All I wanted was to bring her back. But it seems that that dream....couldn't come true. I...surrender. Just please don't penalize my son for my actions he's innocent. And make sure that Natalie gets the treatment she needs. The miraculous is broken and that's how my wife is in this situation now.

He removed his broach and gave it to ladybug who placed it within her yo-yo. The batfamily secured him and he was on his way to prison.

A few minutes later after the Agreste mansion came crashing to one side, a whole news crew had arrived within minutes and started recording.

Ladybug and Chat stayed behind....to look at his mother one last time. Ladybug rested her hand on her partner's shoulder to comfort him.

Ladybug: I'm so sorry, Adrien.

Chat: You knew?

Ladybug: Yeah...I thought it was fair since I knew who you were, I thought I'd show you who I was. Don't worry kitty, your friends will stay by your side.

Chat: Now thinking about it, I've treating you so badly and sided with Lila. I'm just like my father.

Ladybug: Don't say that. It's not true. You were my first crush ever and that was before Lila showed up. You're not a bad person, Adrien. Or else I wouldn't have wanted you as my partner.

Chat: You like someone else now don't you, your soulmate?

Ladybug: Don't worry kitty, I'm pretty sure you'll find yours too.

They both detransformed and hugged, of course with the batfamily holding the news crew back from the mansion. The walked out, after feeding their Kwamis, and met up with the batfamily outside after seeing Mr. Agreste off.

They regrouped at the Eiffel Tower.

Chat: I'm so sorry for making you all have to come to Paris to help with our situation...thanks to my father.

Batman: Don't worry about, fighting the bad guys is what we do.

Chat: Well, I'm off. See you...tomorrow at....school?

Ladybug: You most definitely will.

Ladybug: He didn't deserve this....but what matters is that Paris' villains have just been terminated.

Red Robin: Oh...and here's your miraculous back, cupcake.

Ladybug: Thanks.

Red Hood: So...What are you gonna do now?

Ladybug: Eh...I don't know....maybe go to Gotham once I finish graduate...*smiles*

Nightwing: Wait...really?

Ladybug: We'll I am married to your brother and I'm also his soulmate....so like I have a choice. Plus...I'd like to get to know that side of the world. I've only ever been to London, Shanghai and New York. So....why not.

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