A New Friend

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Nagitos pov

I sat on the park bench as I watched the other children play. What's the point of playing with them. I'm going to die soon anyway. What's the point of having fun when I'm never going to be a grown up!

"hey how come you aren't playing with the other kids?" I looked up to see a boy with spiky black hair, pink eyes and sharp teeth.

"hmm why are you talking to me instead of having fun with your friends?" I asked

"oh well I don't really have any friends so I- hey! I asked the question first!" he yelled. I giggled. This guys funny!

"Well I'm going to die one day so I figured there's no point in having fun" I said honestly.

"Well that's dumb!" I looked up in surprise "everyone's going to die someday. That's why you should live life to the fullest you know. At least that's what my daddy says"

Live life to the fullest. That something no one's ever told me before but it's something I desperately needed to hear.

"thanks for the kind words. My names nagito Komaeda what's yours?"

"I'm kazuichi souda. Wanna play?"

"hehe sure"

The two of us ran off hand in hand to the sandpit. It looks like I made my first friend.

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