Chapter 9 - Matthew's Confession

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Mandy watched as William left out the back door the next late morning to head to the village to ask that shop owner about the hairpin. What would be the use of stopping him, now that she would be kicked out of Downton? She looked around at all her new friends bustling about in the hallway of the servants' area. They would all think horrible things of her when they find out why she was kicked out. She brought her gaze back to the door, her heart hammering. She had to do something.

Moving passed her fellow workers, she ran out of the back door and saw William heading down the side path that led out of Downton's property and to the road leading to the village. She stopped him near a rose bush. "William!"

He turned and his blue eyes widened. "Mandy, hi! Is something the matter?"

She had to catch her breath for a moment. "No, nothing's wrong, just... I wanted to make sure of something before you head into the village."


She caught her breath and said, "Well... when you ask the jewelry shop owner about me, he'll tell you that I was with someone. Just... when you find out who this someone is, promise me that you won't think terrible things about me. Honestly, I couldn't control what happened that day. I mean, I could've, but things just panned out in an unexpected way."

A reassuring smile crossed his lips. "Mandy, it's impossible for me to think terrible things of you, no matter what happens. You have become a good friend, and I wouldn't dare think such things."

Mandy felt relief course through her body. "Really? Oh, thank you, William."

"Who is this person, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Um... you know? You'll find out eventually. I should get back."

"Alright. See you later."

He walked on and she watched as he went. William is such a nice guy, so friendly and kind... Why haven't I hung out with him or talked with him more often?

She turned and went back to back courtyard, and near the blue wood of the back door, she saw Daisy there. The back door was open, and she stood in the opening. "Mandy," she said and walked out. "Mrs. Hughes asked me to see what you were up to since she saw you leave."

"Oh, um... I just needed to say something to William before he went into town. It's not a big deal. I'll let Mrs. Hughes know."

They both walked back inside, but Daisy took Mandy's arm, stopping her in the hallway. Mandy looked at her cute face, curious. "Um," Daisy began, "I suppose I want to ask you something, now that I have you alone." She took a step closer, and Mandy could smell flour and other spices that the girl cooked with. "I was just wondering... I've noticed you and Thomas have become close. Is there anything goin' on?"

Mandy thought for a moment, and realization hit her. Daisy's wild crush on Thomas! "Well... I suppose there is."

The hurt that entered Daisy's face was unmistakable. Mandy regretted saying anything.

"I see," Daisy said. "Thomas just seems happier since you arrived, and I have seen him with you quite often."

Mandy eye's filled with guilt. "I'm sorry, Daisy."

"Why be sorry? People cannot help who they fall in love with."

Did she ever know that! "You're in love with him - Thomas."

She let off a sheepish smile. "No, I just fancy him a bit, that's all. I think you two make a really good match."

Mandy tried not to, but she let a smile escape. "Thank you."

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