Ten: Of Sand and Dust

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As a red sun rises over the horizon, we're forced to head on another back-breaking run through the desert. On sore, stiff muscles, we travel for several hours again in relative silence. The looming threat of the Burning giving chase still lingers in the air, leaving us tense and restless as we walk. The little bit of information that we do receive comes from Kyros' instructions to keep walking and keep drinking water. This is life or death we're faced with, and as nice as death sounds right now, I need to live for my mother's sake. Mikhail remains protectively by my side, always checking over his shoulder for danger. As much as I want to tell him I don't need him as a bodyguard, the company is quite nice. Without many words, he merely stays by me as we run.

"You gonna be okay?" he asks, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," I lie, and he shakes his head.

"You will be, eventually." he says, trying to get me to smile. No success. I've lost my mother and my grip on reality within three days, and I don't know how much more I can take.

Mikhail gave his gun to Kyros soon after the trade with the Burning, so he has no weapon now. His role as my bodyguard might not be the best idea, but it's the thought that counts, I guess. Thea and Titus keep to themselves a lot, with him sometimes stopping to comfort her. Thea seems to be the most terrified of the Burned, while Titus has practically ignored me since our mother was killed.

The fact that I admit that she's dead scares me almost as much as the fact that she actually is. Denial lingers for as long as you can dwell on it. Part of me is angry, almost, for not doing enough. I could have saved her. I could have dragged her with us.

"So, how tan you think I'll be after this mess?" Kyros shouts from the front, a playful grin stretched across his features. I snap out of my little puddle of misery, looking up at him curiously. I turn glance at Mikhail, who, with a smile, joins in the shenanigans.

"Oh, dunno. Probably not as tan as me. I mean, you're practically a ghost!" he says, and Kyros and I find his statement much funnier than it should be.

"Gentlemen, please! We all know I'm the prettiest," Felix says, holding out his arms as he waves them towards the sky. Callista's leg shoots out, and in seconds Felix is on the ground. That's their relationship in a nutshell; they love each other, but they love embarrassing each other even more.

"Callie!" he sputters, wiping sand from his face. Nearly doubling over in laughter, Kyros hoists him to his feet, and the proud redhead grins at him widely.

"That was for stealing my stash of chips!" Callista laughs, and Felix's eyebrows furrow in frustration.

"That was two weeks ago!"

"Oh, boo hoo," the ginger scoffs, and Felix clutches at his chest dramatically.

"I am wounded!" he yells, sinking to his knees again. I let out a laugh as he makes various choking noises from the ground. As the five of us just stand there and laugh, it hits me that even in the midst of darkness, we can still find light. We should all be running right now, and apart from Titus and Thea (who are too worried to play along), we've all momentarily forgotten about our tribulation.

"Anyway. We can still agree I'm the prettiest?" Felix says, winking at Callista before dancing like a clumsy ballerina over towards Kyros.

"Nah, I think Mikhail's the prettiest," Kyros says, throwing a wink in the blond boy's direction. Mikhail blows him a kiss, and I roll my eyes despite my smile.

"I think the sun's getting to your heads," I laugh, and Mikhail shoots me a confused face before faking a stumble.

"You know, I do feel a tad bit dizzy now that you mention it," he says, grinning as he leans on Felix's shoulder for support. Callista shoots me a mischievous grin, and I raise an eyebrow in reply. With a swift kick to Felix's shins, both him and Mikhail tumble to the ground.

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