Twenty-One: Blood is Thicker Than Water (or Maple Syrup)

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A/N: So here we go! First day on a schedule! Sorry for the long wait, guys. Hopefully things will work out better now! Again, all of your reads and votes are a HUGE blessing and I'm so grateful for it! Enjoy!

Day 21 of the epidemic: June 28, 2138

The Burned, as victims of the Sear are now being called, have appeared in America. Isolated, random, and rare, only three or four cases have occurred so far. Of course, with my luck, one of such victims attacked our school today with an assault rifle. Thirteen students were killed, and the man was stopped by Evan. No one questioned where he pulled a gun from; we were all too grateful to be alive.

CDC has announced the disease spawned from the vaccine, but how people are being affected now has not yet been isolated. They speculate it has something to do with dehydration, but nothing is really certain.

Emma showed up at my house after school with tear stained eyes and asked me to stay here for a little bit. Apparently, her father left the house again, and her mother went after him. Evan's supposed to show later tonight.

Apparently, school's out for now. Took them long enough.

Thursday comes before I can fully realize what's going on. The journal chronicles the days of calm before the storm, the last days of peace before the Sear takes over the earth. I, on the other hand, waste my time avoiding Mikhail for a while, exploring the Refuge with Callie and Kara, and a few more somber conversations with Kyros and Titus. I almost forget about the lunch scheduled for Titus and I until an hour before noon on the day of.

Mr. Riddick walks in and glances at me with a confused expression, questioning me of Titus' presence. I hesitate as I wonder where my brother is, and then shrug.

"Don't really know. Why, what happened?"

"Your lunch? With McGregor?" the man asks, and I nearly fall out of my seat. Crap.

"That's today?!" I screech, sprinting upstairs and changing into some more suitable clothes as quick as I can. Moments later, Titus and I are crammed into the backseat of the car, driving silently towards the restaurant McGregor plans to meet us at.

I'm honestly a little bit afraid of what will happen at this lunch. McGregor doesn't seem unkind, but something about him makes me uneasy. He had some connection to Mom and her secrets, though of what nature they are I do not know. I quickly decide to keep myself mostly quiet, if only because I don't trust anyone that easily.

We park quickly, and Titus gives me a nervous glance as I step out of the car. Of the three of us, Mr. Riddick is the most excited about this. Meeting McGregor like this must be some huge honor, because everyone is watching his table as we enter the room.

"Garrett! I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up at all," McGregor grins, shaking Mr. Riddick's hand steadily as he motions for us to seat.

"If you don't mind, you could pick them up later? Say, in two hours or so?" the Councilman offers, and Kyros' father agrees with little question. Both Titus and I sit quietly as McGregor says something to the waitress,and my fidgeting hands suddenly become very interesting. This is weird.

"I'm sure both of you are wondering why I'd want to meet with you both," he starts, and Titus lets out a scoff.

"No disrespect, sir, but we're not kids. We know this has to do with our mother," my brother quickly butts in, and I kick his foot gently to get him to shut up. He doesn't even flinch, staring down the Councilman without any sign of fear.

"You cut straight to the point. Like your father," the man chuckles, and I see Titus clench his fists in either anger or fright. Probably both, because first of all, he shouldn't know our father, and second of all, the last thing both of us want is to be like him.

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