Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Can you believe it? Time flies and it was already one week away from the finals. I was so occupied with studying and band practice that I forgot to keep in touch with my mom.

I promised her that I would call back every now and then since she wanted to hear my voice so much.

Putting down my pen, I stood up and stretched my limbs as I took a break. Studying through the week was so tiring and I hardly had any rest.

I inched my way towards the kitchen where I charged my phone and quickly keyed in my mom's contact number. As I waited for her to pick up, I rummaged through the cupboard and retrieved a packet of chips.

Eating a few chips, my mom finally answered the call. "Hello, honey?"

"Hi, mom." I greeted, munching on the chips. "You finally called after a week." I chuckled in embarrassment. "Sorry, mom. I have been busy studying for the finals."

"I understand, honey. Make sure to eat well during this crucial period, don't fall sick." She continued her usual naggings through the phone while I ate my chips with no care for the world.

By the time she finished talking, I stifled a yawn. "I should go back and study now, mom. Bye." And with that I ended the call and sighed.

Mom was still a nag as ever.

As I washed my hands and about to go back to my desk, I had an odd instinct. I had an urge to open the door even though no one should be outside at this timing.

I walked towards the door and opened it, expecting no one to be there. But instead, it was Nathan. He stayed silent on the spot as his eyes rose to meet mine. "What brings you here?" I asked, crossing my arms as I leaned against the door.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get a glance of you and leave." He shrugged casually, his eye bags visible from the lack of sleep.

I may still hate him, but I wasn't a heartless person.

"It's already late." I said, turning to look at the wall clock as it read 22:00. "I know, I should leave soon." He mumbled reluctantly.

I sighed, "If you don't mind, you can sleep over on the couch tonight." Without waiting for a response, I turned around and entered the house.

Footsteps followed behind as I sat down by the desk and engrossed myself once more.

Nathan's POV

I was still shocked when she allowed me to stay over for the night. Has she decided to forgive me for what I have done to her in the past?

I watched as she entered the house and settled down on her desk where a pile of books were stacked. She must be studying for her finals.

Finals sucked a lot, studying was never fun.

But now, I preferred studying over pack business shit. The rogues were repeatedly confusing us with an odd pattern which I have never seen before.

They would lie low during a period and resurface again by attacking our defence. Casualties grew whenever they attacked. It was as though they were testing the waters before attacking the pack house.

I had prepared an elite team called 'Alpha' and they were currently on stand-by in case the rogues came in large numbers. The only unsettling feeling I had was to leave Eve unprotected.

I knew very well that she could protect herself based on the number of punching bags she had destroyed for the past few months. But I can't help but to worry that something will happen to her.

Her head bobbed up and down before she rested her head on her arms. I walked up to her, bending down to look at her as her eyes were closed.

I carried her in my arms and settled her down on the bed. My fingers caressed her cheeks as I leaned down to peck her lips.

She tasted like potato chips.

I shook my head, a smile staying on my lips as I pulled the blankets over her body. I will never let anything happen to her no matter what happens. I will protect her till my last breath.

Evelyn, you are mine.

Alpha Nathan (Werewolf)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin