Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Goddess knows how long I had dwelled in my room. As each seconds ticked, all I thought was Nathan. From the moment we first bumped into each other in school, to where we are now.

My grudge and hatred for him was slowly diminishing, replaced with a new set of feelings that I can't quite place my finger on. Perhaps, it was just my excited wolf trying so hard to convince me to accept our mate.

I ran my fingers across my waves, deciding to take a good punching session to relieve my stress.

Without even bothering to change, I headed to my all-time favorite place on Earth. The training ground. It wasn't the fights around the arena that I was looking forward to, it was the punching bags that I could destroy that was enticing me.

With each step I took, I cracked my knuckles and warmed up. Making sure that there was an audible crack coming from my stiff neck, I trained all my energy and focused on the punching bag in front of me.

A blow landed on the surface as I thought through how much humiliation he had caused me in school. A stinging sensation hit me when I landed another blow.

This time, I remembered how he always picked on what I have and easily threw my things away as if they were nothing to him. Those were everything to me.

I raised my leg and hit the bag repeatedly as I used up my strength. Those repeated kicks were meant to vent my anger which I have kept hidden for so many years.

Even those times when he tried to sow discord between my brother and I, making our relationship strain for so many years. It was until after he has left did we patch things up.

Mustering all my strength, I attacked the punching bag violently. The hatred that have been building inside of me now, meant nothing.

I no longer hate him, neither do I like him. I just felt neutral towards him, that's all.

As long as I have found the strength in me, I would be able to forgive him and move on. Perhaps, it was time to move on from the past and stop tormenting myself.

This way, I can find happiness.


I removed the bandages wrapped around my knuckles, turning around to leave. I noticed him staring at me as he leaned against a wall.

He was silently watching me. I tensed, suddenly feeling self-conscious of my body. Why was I even feeling that way?

His dark hooded eyes were focused solely on me, never once moved away. He pushed himself off the wall and approached me, a bottle in his hand. Swiftly, he threw it in my direction.

I caught it with ease, muttering 'thanks' as I finished off every drop of water. I needed to hydrate myself after a good exercise.

Damn, it feels so good.

When I was done, I reluctantly looked up, staring into his eyes. There was so much that I needed to ask him, and the things that he had done for me can't be left unnoticed.

I straightened myself, wetting my lips. "We need to talk."


I leaned against the railings, closing my eyes briefly. "What do you want to talk about, Eve?" He asked, a hint of hope in his voice.

"Why are you doing so much for me?" I opened my eyes to see him staring back at me with an unreadable expression. He calmly took a step forward and intertwined his fingers with my slender ones.

"Because I have promised that I will change, and I will prove my love to you." His husky voice sent chills down my spine as I continued to stare at him.

I removed my hand from his grasp, sensing hurt as he stared at me with a stoned expression. I could tell that he was trying to hide the hurt that he was feeling right now.

I am now wavered. I want to place my trust on him for the first time yet, I was compelled to do so. But to do this, I have to test him in order to trust him fully.

"It's easy for you to say it so loudly when you only do a few things that aren't worth credited for." I remarked, crossing my arms. "Then, what do you want me to do in order to prove my love to you?"

I bit my lips, racking my brain to think of something. "I tasted how bitter a medicine is for the past years, now it's your turn."

"Is this payback for what I have done to you?" He asked, raising a brow in disbelief. I took a step forward and planted a hand on his chest, closing the gap between us.

I could feel him tense when I did that. Deciding to tease him even further, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in. His lips were about to touch mine when I moved to his ear and gently bit on his earlobe.

"I never said that, Nathan." With that said, I pulled away and turned around. I could feel his heated stare on my back as I swayed my hips deliberately.

Are you sure you are going to do this? My wolf asked, raising a brow in disbelief. Why not? He will have to go through what I have in store for him. If he passes, I will accept him as my mate.

I can't believe you, Eve...

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